Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 1-134. KYLIKES (shapes as vol. ii. fig. 18 ; vol. iii. figs. 1, 3).

E 1. PART OF A KYLIX. Ht. 3 in. The diam. of the vase must have been about 14! in.

Chiusi. Hartwig in Ath. Mittheil. 1894, p. 155, assigns it to Oltos. The fragment includes
about three-quarters of one exterior design, with the base of the handle which was on r. of this,
and of the interior scene about one quarter of the 1. side. Style of Phintias. Purple in-
scriptions. Inner details in hard black lines. The lion's eyes have a large black disc as
eyeball. Around the interior scene, a thin red line. A spiral ornament, probably from a
palmette under the handle, is preserved on the r. of the exterior scene.

Interior : A warrior in a helmet, which is tilted back, stooping forward to 1.,
blowing a trumpet which he holds nearly at the end in his r. hand : in his 1. he
probably held the spear of which the fore part is seen : this, the trumpet, r.
forearm, part of forehead, and front of helmet alone are preserved. Of the
signature only POIEJ ve&al 6(?) e\iroi7]a\ev is preserved.

[For this motive see Hartwig, Mcistersch. p. 276, note.]




Page 41. In E I for veSai 6(?) t\Tra'iT\(j\(v read 6 8ea>a e]irolr]<T[ev. -.A

for E?OI k.t.X. read EMOI k.t.X. >n



Catalogue of Vases, Vol. in.



Much shattered, but nothing wanting. Outline of hair incised throughout exterior scenes ;
brown inner markings throughout; and for outline of nostril and lips in int. On each side of
each handle a large palmette.

Interior : Within thin red circle, youth to r. lifting with both hands a
diota; wears chlamys over shoulders and wreath ; slight marking of whiskers.
In field, imitation inscriptions. Around this scene, near the lip, is a red band,
with a black-figure frieze of four galleys sailing to 1. on waves (white sails,
purple gunwale, oars incised, steersman). In front of one of the ships, three
dolphins, in front of the others, two, plunging vertically to 1.