Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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COTYL/E. I 3 7

minute trefoil. Eye archaic. The under side, within the ridge forming the foot, has raised
concentric mouldings, alternately black and red.

Interior : Within a thin red circle, a nude youth seems to have fallen on his knees to r.
and looks round at some figure, now lost, who thrusts into his body a spear (?) ; with both hands
he tries to push the spear away. [Cf. however the slinger in Hartwig, Mcistcrsch. pi. i8, I.]

E 139—153. COTYL/E (shape generally as Fig. 8).

E 139. COTYLE. Ht. 3,Q6 in. Diam. 5Jin. Capua? Purchased at Naples, 1856. Minervini,

Mon. di Barotie i, p. 37 ; Ann. dell' Inst. 1876, p. 27 ; Klein, Meistersig? p. 107, no. 24;
Brunn, Kiinstlcrgesch. ii, p. 671, 5 and p. 729 ; Kretschmer, Vaseninschr. p. 180. Broken,
but little of designs wanting (upper 1. corner and nearly all feet of a, lower r. corner of b) ;
surface partially injured by fire. Drawing spirited : extremities small : drapery mannered.
Purple is used for inscriptions, wreaths, and vine leaves. The bunches of grapes are in a
separate brown body colour. Inner markings very full throughout in brown for anatomy of
human figures and animals also, and for the upper folds of chiton. Outline of hair left red.

(a) On r. Dionysos (bearded, wreathed with ivy, long hair, long chiton
with sleeves, himation fastened across body on r. shoulder) strides at speed to r.,
looking back with extended arms ; from 1. hand hangs by one handle a cantharos ;
in r. he holds up a branching vine with leaves and grapes spreading over the
field, towards a Seilenos (?) following him. This figure is in the background beside
an ithyphallic ass, which raises its head with open jaws, as if braying: the
head and shoulders of the Seilenos are wanting, and no tail is shown ; but he
holds forward with 1. hand an askos, placing his r. on the r. flank of the ass.
On r., written in two lines obliquely, #PIKTETO$ EAPAfflJEN, 'E]7rt'/<:T?;T09

(/>) Seilenos (wreathed with ivy, hair in long wavy locks) strides to r.,
looking downwards, holding in each hand a thyrsos, between two ithyphallic (?)
braying asses, the foremost of which he guides with the thyrsos in his 1. hand.
The lower part of the body of this ass, and his two fore legs, are wanting.
The other ass has the usual cross mark on the saddle, the part showing down
the shoulder being indicated in black : probably the other asses have had this
also. Over the left ass, PISTOS + ENOS ; over the right, EPOIEJE (at this point
broken away ; the N may have been originally painted in). Ylt,<TTo(!;)evos

E 140. COTYLE. Ht. 8} in. Diam. 10} in. Capua. Castellani, 1873. Mon. delP Inst, ix,

pi. 43 ; Ann. dell' Inst. 1872, p. 227 ; Bull, dell' lust. 1872, p. 41 ; Wiener Vorlegcbl. A, 7 ;
Baumeister. p. 185, fig. 1958 ; Harrison and Verrall, p. 1, fig. 8 ; Daremberg and Saglio,
s. v. Elcusinia, p. 545, fig. 2629 ; Rayet and Collignon, pi. 9 (the first four figures) ; Murray,
Designs from Greek Vases, p. 15, fig. 8 (the same) ; Overbeck, Kunstmyth. Demeter, p. 543,
no. 49, Atlas, pi. xv, 22, a, b ; Roscher ii, p. 1369, fig. 16, and p. 2086; Rubensohn, Die
Mystericnheiligth, p. 32; Klein, Meislersig.2 p. 171, no. iS ; Hartwig, Meistersch. p. 282;
Kretschmer, Vaseninschr. p. 173. Finest period of Hieron. Incised lines are used for ears