Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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to pour from an oinochoe ; she holds in her 1., beneath her mantle, a thyrsos ;
her hair is looped up and confined with a radiated stephane.

E 151. COTYLE. Ht. 3} in. Diam. 3} in. Presented by John Henderson, Esq., 1874. The

main part of each side is occupied with a pattern of dotted chequers, alternately red and
black : the dots on the black are white. Above this, a laurel wreath with white berries, between
two rows of white dots. Beneath each handle, figures of animals, as follows :

(a) An owl regardant, (b) A panther springing to 1. after a bird (mostly
broken away) : another bird escapes to 1.

E 152!. COTYLE, handles horizontal and vertical. Ht. 3 J- in. Diam. yi in. Cameiros, 1864.

Tomb No. F 195. Below, a continuous red line. On each side an owl beside two sprigs of laurel.

[For the series included under E 152, see ante, p. 14 ; it has been suggested {Bull. Nap.

1845, P- 7~) tnat these vases were called y\avKes, and this view is accepted by Schonc, Comm.

Mommseni, p. 654.]

E 1522. COTYLE with vertical and horizontal handles. Ht. 3 in. Diam. 3J in. Nola. Blacas

Coll. Intact. Design on each side same as preceding.

E 1523. COTYLE. Ht. 3J in. Diam. 3j in. Kimissala, Rhodes, 1SS0. BHiotti Sale Cat. 1885,

no. 217. Late careless drawing. On each side an owl to r. regardant, between two olive
branches or parts of an olive wreath. Below, a thin red line.

E 1524. COTYLE (handles, one vertical, one horizontal). OldiNo. 938. Ht. 3; in. Diam. 4 in.

Rough style. On each side, owl to r. regardant, between vertical olive branches.

E 153x. FRAGMENT of a cotyle (?). Ht. if in. Width 2} in. Diam. of complete circle 6f in.

Naucratis, 1886. Late stage of severe style, careless. Brown inner markings. Eye archaic;
edge of hair dotted. The sketch-marks show conspicuously on the figure. A nude ephebos
(an athlete ?) standing to r. ; all that remains is the head and bust.

E 1532. FRAGMENT of a cotyle. Ht. n\ in. Width 2 in. Part of the same vase as the

preceding. A youth with long hair falling down his back to 1. ; his body is drawn back and
arms bent at his sides, as if he were preparing to jump with halteres (?) ; head and bust and
most of 1. arm preserved.

E 1533. FRAGMENT of a cotyle (?). Ht. 2| in. by ii in. Naucratis, 1886. Presented by the

Egypt Exploration Fund. Late style. Fillet purple (now faded). On r. is part of an uncertain
object, which looks like a large vase or a lyre (?). On 1. a Satyr is seated to r., his 1. resting
on his knee, his r. raised as if he were addressing someone on the r. ; he wears a fillet, and a
band (?) of something passes over his r. shoulder and under his r. arm.

E 154-158. CANTHARI (shape generally as fig. 19).

E 154. CANTHAROS. Old No. 759. Ht. SJ in. Diam. 7$ in. Arch. Zcit. 1847, p. 154;

Overbeck, Her. Bildw. p. 497 ; Corey, Amaz. Ant. Fig. p. 92. School of Epictetos (cf. Mem-
non vases, E 16-19). Hemispherical body. Purple fillet and reins. Brown inner markings,
upper folds of chiton, hair of warrior in a, and hair on cheek : a brown wash is used for
the body of the chariot in a, and the horses' manes and bridles and collars. Eye archaic.
Below each design, a thin red line, and below that again two large inverted palmettes ; these
are connected on one side by a small inverted palmette, on the other by a pair of petals crossed ;
these form the handle ornaments.