Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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I1YDRI.E. 189

On shoulder and part of body : two girls dancing to r., the foremost hold-
ing a torch in r. looks back at her companion, who snaps the fingers of her r.
Each wears chiton undergirt, and fillet; the one on 1. wears a saccos. Between
them, a taenia.

E 250. HYDRIA. Ht. 61 in. Rhodes, 1856. Wants lip and part of neck and foot. Rough,

coarse style.

On shoulder and body : a Maenad with thyrsos (chiton with apoptygma and
saccos) flees to r., looking back at Eros, who flies towards her, raising his r. hand.
On 1. a youth with similar gesture leans forward with 1. foot raised on a helix-
form plant springing from the ground.

■EI 251. HYDRIA. Ht. 1 ft. Hamilton Coll. Surface worn away in parts, back handle restored.

Wernicke, Lieblingsn. p. 9. The decorative patterns and glaze are in the usual technique.
The designs are laid on in a thick white and a thick reddish engobe, on which details are drawn
in thinned black (brown) : cf. B 681-700. The hair of the figure is left in black glaze, with
outline engraved. Fine style. Below, a strip of sets of three maeanders separated by dotted
crosses : above, a strip of palmettos ; round lip, egg moulding ; and below back handle,
palmetto. The fillet, inscription and wreaths seem to have been coloured purple. Eye of
developed profile type, with eyelash.

On body and shoulder : Nike floating in air to r., about to alight between
two large hydrise which rest on the ground on either side. In her 1. she holds a
fluted phiale mesomphalos, and turns her head to look at a large thymiaterion
in her r. She wears a sleeveless chiton, fastened on each shoulder with a long pin,
with apoptygma girt at waist, a fillet, and a radiated stephane. Over her head
KAAH, N&jj KaX->]; on each side hangs a wreath of laurel ; the colour from these
and from the inscription has entirely disappeared, leaving only a discoloration
of the surface.

[Not noted in Knapp, Nike in dcr Vasenm. Cf. similar design in Hi. Cer. i, pi. 93 ; for
the thymiaterion, cf. Stephani, Comptc Rendu, i860, p. 30.]

E 252x. FRAGMENT of a large hydria. Ht. 8 in. by 6 in. Cameiros. Biliotti, 1864.

/. H. S. vol. ix, pi. 2, p. 7. Late fine style [cf. the Helios krater, E 466]. Purple reins.
Brown inner markings. Ground-lines indicated by lightly incised lines. Eye in profile. The
design occupies the body and part of the shoulder : the part preserved is nearly one half of the
upper part from the r. hand side : behind the head of Selene the modelling of the handle
begins : above, a band of alternate upright palmettos and flowers.

Sacrifice at an heroon ? On the 1. the upper part of an heroon is seen, consisting of a
columnar structure, of which parts of three fluted Doric columns and their architrave are
preserved, with part of an olive branch projecting over them : this seems to be placed on the
side of a hill. Between the columns is the top of a pointed object like the spike of a spear.
Towards this building a diminutive Nike with powerful wings aloft (overlapping the border),
a long chiton, with cross-belts, mantle floating back from her arms, earrings and radiate stephane,
floats down, holding in both hands a laurel wreath. Against the fore part of her skirt two lines
are drawn which seem to belong to some object unidentified. Below Nike is a thymiaterion
(the upper part only preserved) : beside it Athene stands nearly en face, but looking to 1., with
tall crested helmet, decorated with tendrils, visor and raised chcekpieces, scaly aegis with snake