Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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border at lower edge and central Gorgoneion with protruding tongue, Doric chiton with apop-
tygma and broad girdle, with three ties or pendants at intervals, holding spear with r. over
shoulder : her 1. is raised, but is almost wholly destroyed : perhaps it was resting on the hair
on her 1. shoulder, where there is a trace of some object : her crest seems to be supported by
an arching snake (cf. E 363). Above Athene on a high level, Selene, a girlish figure in Doric
chiton and radiated sphendone, rides a horse side-saddle to 1., half concealed behind the hill

E 252.,. FRAGMENT from the shoulder of a hydria? Ht. 2 in. by 3J in. Mytilenc.

Newton. Late stage of severe style. Eye in transition type. Edge of hair, inner markings,
and upper folds of chiton brown.

Orpheus attacked by a Thracian woman. Of Orpheus, who moves to r., only part of his
arm and of his kithara are preserved : with his hand he tries to ward off the attack of a
Thracian woman who seizes his lyre with her 1. hand, and thrusts at him with a spear (or spit)
in her r. She wears a sleeved chiton, a mantle over her shoulders, and a polos-shaped
headdress with a horizontal net pattern.

E 2523. FRAGMENT of a hydria (?). Ht. 4I in. by 3 in. Dennis (?). Fine style.

Inscription in purple almost faded. Brown inner markings. The hair ends in ^-shaped
locks. Eye in profile. Above, part of a band of upright palmettes, with petals between.

A youth in tall rounded pilos, and mantle over shoulders, moving to r. with outstretched r.
arm. His back, body from waist, r. arm from elbow, are all broken away. On the r. is the
beginning of a name inscribed VEV . . . ., A(v[kitt7tos ?

E 252,. FRAGMENT of a hydria. The complete vase must have been about 11 in. high.

Cameiros. Salzmann and Biliotti. About half the lip, half the 1. hand figure, and parts of the
heads of the other figures preserved, but the surface has suffered from fire. Severe style. Eye
in transition type : the head high in proportion to its width. Thinned black for tresses of hair
and binding of bow. Design on shoulder. Above, a strip of upright palmettes ; round the lip,
egg pattern.

Apollo, Artemis, and Leto. On 1. Artemis (sleeved chiton decorated with Vs, himation,
broad fillet around her long straight hair, quiver with crescent-shaped flap) stands to r., holding-
out in her 1. a curved Scythian bow, in her r. a tall trefoil oinochoe (painted in silhouette against
her drapery), as if about to pour for Apollo, of whom only the fore part of the head, wreathed
with laurel and confronting her, is preserved. On the r. is the back part of the head and
shoulders of Leto, wearing chiton, himation, and saccos.

E 253-287. AMPHORAE.

(E 253-256, early shape with grooved handles, as B 193 ; E 257-265, early
shape with cylindrical handles, as B 153 ; E 266-276, generally as Fig 6, with
twisted handles ; E 277-279, E 283-286, similar, with single ribbed handles ;
E 280-282, similar, with triple reeded handles.)

E 253. AMPHORA. Old No. 790. Ht. 25 in. Vulci (Cucumella). Canino Coll. no. 1005.

Amati, Osservaz. p. 22 ; Campanari in Alti della pontif. Accad. Rom. vii, p. 88 ; Gerhard,
Rapp. Vole. no. 716 ; Creuzer, Em Alt-Ath. Ge/dss, p. 15 ; Raoul-Rochette, Retire d M. Schorn,
p. 9; Brunn, Kunstlergesch. ii, p. 700 ; Wieseler in Golt. Gel. Anz. 1871, p. 985 ; Heydemann,