Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 351.

PELIK^E. 235

(6) Two women confronted, both wearing long chiton and mantle, and
earrings ; the one on the r. wears a saccos as in a, and holds out in her r. hand
a honeysuckle flower with long tendril curling in helix form; the other is
closely draped in her mantle, and has long hair confined with a fillet ; in her
r. hand, projecting below her chin, she holds between thumb and forefinger
a flower similar to the last, but minute and coloured purple. Between the
figures is inscribed, . O/A^i V\0T<JAV, Kdprav (Kparayv}) ica\6<;: and lower down,
IXIAH3^AM, koXtj valx'-

[The Kakos name seems to be a variation of Kpdroiv, like xtiprf/jor for Kpiirepos.]

E 351-435. PELIK.E.

(Shape generally as p. 13, fig. 5. E 351-361 have the design in panels.
E 424-435 are of the later form, with spreading lip, vol. iv, p. 7, fig. 9.)

PELIKE. Ht. 12 in. Solygea, near Corinth (see note in Christie's Sale Cat. Jan. 25,
1852, no. 92). Ann. deW Inst. 1879, P^ U, p. 243. After Brygos (?). The lower part of
the legs (from knees downward) are small in proportion. Purple wreaths. E'ght brown
inner markings, and a wash on kidaris, hinder half of boots, and fillets and whiskers in a.
Full face in b in the early method, with hair shown on both sides, both ears, and both sides of
the nose shown ; the mouth is drawn as if the tongue were protruding, but this may be merely
the attempt to give the lower lip. Eye in transition type ; that of the flute-player has large disc,
the rest small dot, as pupil. The edge of hair against the face is dotted. Panel, formed'by red
band below, lotus-bud pattern above, and zigzag of dots on each side. Below the designs is
a red band ; above, a band of linked lotus buds ; on each side, a zigzag] of dots, the whole
forming a panel.

(a-b) Ephebi going to a banquet (?). The foremost with head thrown
back plays on flutes, stepping in time to the music ; the other looks down at a
large kelebe which he holds in both hands ; in his 1. he also holds a long thin
knotted wand or staff, to which is attached a sybene with glottocomeion. On
the shoulder of the kelebe is a wreath encircling the neck. Each wears a
mantle shawl-fashion over his shoulders, a purple wreath and a broad woollen
fillet round the hair. The flute player wears boots like those seen at symposia
(see E 64).

On the reverse (/>) is a group suggestive of a parody of a bride and bride-
groom, an ephebos leading by the hand to r. a reluctant companion. The
first is drawn en face, and carries in his 1. a crutched staff. He wears a mantle
shawl-fashion over his arms, and a woollen fillet and purple wreath round his
head. His companion holds up in his r. a staff bent like a strigil at the top,
and moves slowly forward, looking demurely. He wears a mantle, which
leaves r. shoulder and arm bare, and a kidaris with three flaps, encircled by
3- woollen fillet decorated with two black squares.