Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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(cf. E 77) ; she wears a long chiton decorated with crosses and a band of zigzags
at knee, a mantle fastened on her r. shoulder, a fillet and bracelets ; beside
her, her name, S03H, "Eta?.

[For the orthography of Eos' name, cf. Millingen, Anc. Uned. Man. i, 6 ; Kretschmer,
Gr. Vase>ii)ischr. p. 98.]

E 469. CRATER. Ht.27lin. Diam. 2oiin. Found in i860 at Altemura (anc. Lupatia). Castel-

lani, 1873. Heydemann, Gigantomachie (6th Hall. Progr.), gives a only ; Bull, dell' Inst. 1869,
p. 245 ; Mayer, Giganten, p. 302, no. b ; p. 311, no a* ; p. 323, no. g* ; p. 328, no. f* ; p. 333,
no. e*. Part of the body is broken away. Large style (cf. the similar vase in Mon. dell' Inst. xi.
pi. 14, and Ann. dell' Inst. 1880, p. 48). Purple wine, taenia?, flames of thunderbolt and torches,
stalks of corn and ivy-leaves. Brown inner markings and wash for parts {e.g. wings of car).
Bold foreshortening occurs in the drawing of the legs of giants in a. Eye in profile. Below,
in band, sets of three maeanders separated by red cross squares ; round the shoulders,
tongue pattern ; above the neck, on a moulding, over b, ivy pattern ; over c, a wreath of laurel
ending in a central knot. Above these, a broad pattern of alternate palmetto and flower,
upright ; round the lip, egg pattern. Other patterns as E 468.

I. In a frieze round the body, Gigantomachia. The composition divides
into six pairs of combatants; the action proceeds from 1. to r. First on
the 1. is Dionysos, bearded, with long hair wreathed with ivy, sleeved chiton
decorated with stars reaching to calf, high boots with flaps, and panther-skin
knotted over chest; in 1. hand he holds forward a vine ; with the butt-end of his
thyrsos (according to Heydemann, a torch) in r. he strikes a bearded Giant
who has fallen on his knees to r. and looks round, while the panther of
Dionysos bites him in the biceps of his spear-arm ; he has a helmet with raised
check-pieces and decorated with honeysuckle, a cuirass decorated on shoulder-
piece with star and snake and a square plaque with a cross on the centre of his
chest, and scale pattern round the body. His figure is partly hidden by that
of Athene, who, wearing a similar helmet, extends her aegis as a shield, and
with couched spear attacks her foe ; she wears a long sleeved chiton, a fringed
diploi's decorated with stars, with an apoptygma ; the aegis is fringed with
snakes, and has a central medallion also fringed with snakes, and containing the
Gorgoncion. Her opponent has fallen on his knees to r., and with shield on 1.
arm (seen in perspective) and sword (copis) brandished over his head, turns
en face, striking at Athene. He is armed and dressed as the last ; his helmet
has the cheek-pieces lowered, and on the crown a Pegasos springing upwards
towards an inverted palmette (silhouette) ; at the back are two palmettes at the
side of the crest; his cuirass has on the body a central square of scale pattern,
and on the chest a square of pattern like courses of masonry ; his shield is black
outside and inside, with a rim of red. Behind this figure, Zeus strides forward
with his eagle on his outstretched 1. hand, and brandishing aloft in his r. his
thunderbolt ; he is bearded, with long hair looped up and wreathed, short chiton
with apoptygma decorated with borders and fringe and pattern of stars, and a
mantle hangs from his 1. arm. His opponent falls to r., but turns in back view,
protecting himself with his shield (device, a snake, seen in perspective), and