Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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(/>) Victorious Kitharcedos. In the centre is a thymele of three steps, on
which a bearded kitharist stands to r., in a long foldless chiton and with fillet
bound round his long hair, playing on a large kithara. Beside the foot of the
thymele on the r. a boy stands to 1,, wrapped closely in his himation, perhaps the
singer. On each side a Nike flies with a taenia in both hands towards the
kitharist; the one on 1. has a dress like that of Persephone in (a), and long hair
with a fillet ; the other has a long sleeved chiton undergirt, and hair looped up
with fillet. On the 1. a bearded draped man leaning on a knotted staff, and at
each end of the scene a similar figure holding a staff upright, look on. On the
extreme r. is a fluted column reaching to the upper border.

[For this scene cf. a vase in Bologna, 3rd Hall. Progr. p. 52, no. 7, where the two Nikae
and the boy recur.]

E 470. CRATER. Ht. 20= in. Diam. ni in. Magna Grrccia. Durand Coll. no. 410;

Fourtales Coll., 1865 {Cat. 226). Raoul-Rochette, Man. Ined. i, pi. 60, p. 321 ff. ; Arch. Zeit. 1848,
pi. 14, 2 ; Overbeck, Her. Bildw. pi. 27, no. 4, p. 641 ; all these give (a). For {b), see Rochctte,
he. tit., p. 323 ; Wclcker in Rhein. Mus. iii, p. 493; and Arch. Zeit. 1848, p. 215, note 40.
See also Arch. Zeit. 1866, p. 245* ; Bull. Arch. Nap. 1858, p. 146; Heydemann, Iliupersis,
p. 19, and p. 29, note 4 ; Daremberg and Saglio, i, p. 787 (figure of Athene). Late style.
Surface discoloured by fire. Below, a band of inlanders broken by chequered squares ;
round shoulder, tongue-pattern ; on moulding above neck, band of oblique pairs of palmettos
addorsed. Below handles, double palmette with tendrils. On moulded sides of handles, ivy

(a) Ajax seizing Cassandra at the Palladion. The image of the goddess
stands in the centre on a double plinth ; the feet, which are only suggested in
the drawing, are close together ; the pose is that of an archaic xoanon, but the
drapery, r. arm and head, are quite free in treatment ; the image stands en face,
dressed in a long chiton with apoptygma, of which the skirt is decorated with a
central band and two vertical rows of circles, and a short calathos spreading
outwards ; the spear is held across the body, as though she were striking down-
wards to r., and the shield has for device a horse (? seen in perspective)
galloping to 1. ; the hair is arranged over the forehead in a row of large
formal curls. At the base of this on the r. a woman (in the act of fleeing
to 1.) has fallen and extends both arms to 1., one on each side of the
statue ; on the 1. another woman flees, looking back and extending both arms ;
these two figures (perhaps Medesicaste and Polyxena) are dressed in Doric
chiton with apoptygma, and saccos. On the r. Ajax, beardless, with helmet tilted
back, short chiton, cuirass, mantle at back over arms, spear and shield (device, a
snake coiled, to 1.), runs to 1., pursuing Cassandra, who extends both arms
towards the Palladion ; his r. hand already grasps her long hair ; she wears long
chiton with sleeves undergirt.

[For the calathos worn by Athene, cf. G 17 and a coin of Ilion in Muller-Wiescler,
Denkm. d. a. Kunst, ii, 21, 221.]

(V) Departure of a youth. On the 1. Nike stands en face in long sleeved
chiton, himation fastened on r. shoulder, hair looped up with dotted fillet, wings