Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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no. 1. Late stage of good period. Purple wine, bow-string, fillets oh omphalos, stem of wreath,
fillets and sprig in Hermes' hand. Below, sets of three masanders separated by red cross
squares ; round lip, laurel-wreath ; round handles, egg pattern ; below handles, a palmetto
on another.

(a) Apollo, Hermes, Artemis and Leto at the omphalos. In the centre
is the omphalos, of the usual form, with four fillets of white wool hanging over
it. On the 1. Apollo stands to r., playing on the kithara with his 1. hand, and
with his r. pouring on the omphalos wine from a fluted phiale ; he is wreathed
with laurel, and has long hair looped up behind, and a long chiton schistos with
apoptygma, over a thin Ionic chiton. Behind him Hermes advances, with
chlamys, petasos and caduceus, holding up in his r. a sprig of myrtle (?). On the
r. of the omphalos Artemis stands in three-quarter face to 1., but looking at
Apollo, holding in her r. a trefoil oinochoe, in her 1. her bow; she has her hair
looped up with a fillet, a quiver at her back, a long chiton with apoptygma and
earrings. On the r. Leto advances, in Ionic chiton, a mantle which covers the
back of her head, and a radiate stephane, holding up in her r. a phiale. The
kithara of Apollo has a long sash attached to it, decorated with alternate rows
of circles and zigzags.

(/>) Three draped ephebi: the central one stands cu face, and looks at the
one on r., who holds a staff; each wears a fillet.

E 503. BELL-CRATER. Ht. 13! in. Diam. 14I in. Capua. Castellani, 1873. Smith, Diet.

Antig?\\, p. 839. Late stage of large style. Brownish-white for fillets and inscriptions. Shading
on drapery, tympanon, chair-back and cantharos in brown. Below, pairs of maeander separated
by dotted cross squares ; round the lip, laurel wreath ; round the handles, egg pattern.

(a) Dionysos, two Maenads and Satyr. Dionysos, beardless, with short
hair, fillet and wreath, mantle around legs, is seated to r., looking down and
resting r. on the back of his chair, and holding a thyrsos upright in his 1. hand ;
over him is inscribed his name, AIONYSOS, AtoVuo-09. On each side of him is
a Mamad : on the r. Bacche with short wavy hair, holding cantharos up in r,
oinochoe at side in 1. ; over her, BA++H, Ba/c^1? ; on the 1. Urania with long
hair hanging loose, holding out on 1. a tympanon which she strikes with her
r. ; over her, OPANIA, Ovpavta. Both wear long girt chiton, with apoptygma,
earrings, necklace of beads, and a radiated fillet. On the r. a Satyr advances,
playing on the flutes ; he wears a wreath and a fillet ; over him, KAA02, Ka\oi.

[For the name Urania similarly written see Naples Cat. no. 3235 (OPANIHZ) ; also a
vase in the Louvre {Bull, tie Con: Hell, xix, p. 102, fig. 6). For the orthography of Bacche, cf.
Heydemann, Satyr- u. Bakchenn. p. 24 ; Kretschmcr, Vaseninsch: p. 174.]

(b) Three draped ephebi, one to 1. conversing with two to r.; each wears
fillet. In the field on 1. an aryballos with straps hanging from a peg ; on r. a
strigil hanging.

JE 504. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1282. Ht. 12 J in. Diam. 14 in. Payne Knight. Coll.

For the inscription on the foot see Nonvelles Ann. 1836, p. 499, where a similar inscription on a
vace in the Lcuyre is quoted ; Scheme in Comment. Mommseni. p. 651 ; sec also Birch', Ancient