Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 641. LEKYTHOS. Ht. (present) 2| in. Gela. Dennis, 1863. Wants neck and handle.

Drawing careless. Below, a strip of egg pattern between red lines.

Panther to r., with face to front and 1. paw raised.

E 642. LEKYTHOS. Ht. 11 in. Gela. Dennis, 1863. Late stage of severe style. Purple

fillet. Brown folds of colpos and bracelets. Eye in transition stage. Below, pairs of maeanders
separated by red cross squares. Round the neck, rays.

Dancing girl. A woman in an Ionic chiton with apoptygma, undergirt,
two cross-belts on breast, bracelets and earrings, dancing to 1., playing on
castanets ; her hair flies loosely back, and she wears a fillet.

E 643. LEKYTHOS. Ht. u|in. Cameiros, 1864. Tomb F 43. Athm. Mittheil. 1880,

pi. xiv, 1, p. 382. Left-hand lower part of design wanting. Late stage of severe style.
Purple flame, inscription, wine, and ends of fillet. Eye in archaic type (inner angle open).
Below, strip of meander with red cross squares (mostly broken away). Round the neck, a band
of rays.

Nike, in long chiton, bordered mantle fastened on 1. shoulder, bracelets
and fillet, hair falling loose down back, flies to r., holding phiale in 1., and with
r. pouring wine from a jug over a blazing altar of a form developed from an
Ionic capital, with necking of dots. The lower part of her legs and her feet
are wanting.

[Found in the same tomb with the Aphrodite cup D 2 and E 144 and E 145.]

E 644. LEKYTHOS. Old No. 750. Ht. 11J in. 1850. Much damaged. The head and both

arms are almost entirely destroyed, and the surface of the legs injured. Late stage of severe
style. Purple fillet. Below, a strip of masander with two red cross squares. The shoulder
of the vase is wanting.

Seilenos and deer. The Seilenos, wearing a fillet, dances to r. with legs
bent, r. hand extended behind him, and 1. hand resting on the back of a deer,
which springs to r.

E 645. LEKYTHOS. Ht. (present) 8} in. Athens, 1813. Burgon Coll. The neck and handle

are restored, and the lip, which is ancient, does not belong. Much damaged by fire;
the red is burnt to ashen gray. Strong style, but careless. The design runs all round the
body. Purple fillets. Eye in profile. Below, and above, a band of sets of three maeanders,
separated by chequer squares ; the shoulder has been glazed black, surmounted by a band of
egg pattern.

Type of Peleus seizing Thetis. A youth in a short girt chiton runs to r.,
extending his 1. to seize a girl in a long sleeved chiton and a mantle fastened
on her r. shoulder, who runs to r. with extended arms, looking back at him ;
her hair is fastened round the head and near the ends with a fillet. On the r.,
a girl in similar dress and actions runs towards a bearded man similarly dressed,
who stands en face, but looks to 1., raising his r. in surprise. On the I. of the
youth, a third girl in a long girt chiton with apoptygma runs to 1., looking back
and extending her 1. arm to r. The heads of all the figures, except the first girl,
are either damaged or destroyed.