Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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(a) An ephebos wearing himation and fillet, leaning forward to r. against a
staff, taking with his r. a string of pendant beads from a square box which he
holds in his 1. hand. Behind him, in the field, an alabastron with cords hangs
from a peg. Beside his head, on r. kavE. Below the box, AVEiOMENOS,
AA.efo/iei'o? /caA.0?. ■*

(b) A woman in a long sleeved chiton, with apoptygma, to 1., in the act of
putting on her girdle ; with an end of the girdle in each hand, she is about to
tie it, holding up in her teeth the part of her apoptygma which is to fall over
the girdle. She has long hair and a radiated fillet. At her feet is a calathos
filled with wool, in which are three circular objects. On the 1., an alabastron,
as in (a); on the r., a lekythos hangs. On the 1. of her head, 3/ax ; on the r.,
^lAHBH, i) 7rat9 koXtj.

*• 720. ALABASTRON. Ht. 7 in. Cameiros, 1864. Tomb F 193. Surface damaged ; wants

part of lip. Drawing severe in style. The eye (damaged) seems to be of archaic form.
Drapery in symmetrical groups of eight or nine folds. Above and below, thin red line ; round
shoulder, rays.

Iris, in long Doric chiton with apoptygma, and saccos, holding caduceus in
r., wings extended behind, moves rapidly to r., extending her 1. arm ; before her
on the ground, a calathos.

E 721. ALABASTRON, with foot, handle, and lip of aryballos. Ht. 8J in. Naucratis. Pre-

sented by the Egypt Exploration Fund, 1888. Naukratis, pt. ii, pi. xvi, 20. Lip restored : the
lower part of the body is moulded like the cup of an acorn, and the surface of this part is covered
with raised knobs, which have probably been gilt and now show traces of red pigment.
Drawing late ; flesh in white outline filled in with white, with details black ; drapery in colours,
of which vermilion seems to have been used for the chiton and green for the himation ; wings
of Eros, blue and gold ; gilding for jewellery, fillets, and thymiaterion ; hair in ordinary late
red-figure method. Below the handle, an elaborate palmette ornament, with gilt central dots.
Below, egg pattern ; above, myrtle-wreath with gilt berries ; on neck, tongue pattern. The
technique is very similar to that of the Peleus vase E 424.

Gathering of incense. In centre a ladder, of which six rungs arc seen,
cutting the scene obliquely to r. ; on the second rung, Eros, wearing a fillet,
stands en face, holding up something in his 1. above his shoulder, while with his
r. he offers a thymiaterion to a woman standing on 1. On r., a woman, seated
on rising ground, seems to be holding out with both hands a wreath towards
Eros. The hair of the women is gathered up ; they wear bracelets, necklaces,
long chitons, and himation covering one shoulder.

[For the subject, see E241, and Frohner in Van Brantcghem Coll. nos. 98-99]