Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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over the back. The whole is coloured black, excepting the softer membrane in which the
smaller claw is set, and which is coloured white ; the small projections along the side of the
main claw are tipped with white. On the small claw is a helix flower, red on black. Good
period, but roughly drawn.

A deer galloping towards a fox on r., which rises on its hind legs to spring
at it.

E 766. ASKOS, with ring-shaped handle. Old No. 955. Ht. 2| in. Nola. Durand Coll.

no. 214. Drawing, late and careless. The feet of the figure come between the spout and

Nike, with a bordered Doric chiton with apoptygma, long hair confined
with a fillet, alighting to 1. ; in her 1. hand she holds a box decorated with three
horizontal rows of dots ; her r. hand is extended, as if she were scattering objects
taken from the box.

E 767-76S. PSYCTERS.

E 767. PSYCTER. Ht. 13 in. Magnoncourt Coll. no. Si ; Pourtal'es Coll. no. 321. Jahn,

Dichtcr auf Vasenb. pi. v.; Baumeister, p. 1990, fig. 2133 ; Genick, Gr. Keramik, pi. 23, fig. 1;
Stephani, Comptc-Rendti, 1864, p. 115 ; Wernicke, Licblingsn. p. 73, no. I ; Klein, Euphroiiios?
p. 264 ; Meistersig? p. 197, no. 3 ; Mus. Hal. iii, p. 251 ; Kretschmer, Vascninschr. p. 151 ; C. I.
Gr. 7857. Style of Euthymides. Purple wreaths, inscriptions, sash, and tuning pegs of lyre.
Fine brown inner markings and nostril; the hair on the breast of the bearded men is indicated
by stippling in brown. Outline of hair and beard (where shown against the black) incised.
Eye, archaic ; the eye of the right-hand man in (b) has the pupil in form of a very small dot
within a thick circle, and the beard of this figure is not incised, but has a red outline.
Lettering, coarse. Below, a thin red line ; above, tongue pattern; round the lip, coarse egg
pattern. The sides of the handles are coloured purple ; below them, a fine pattern composed
of a double' palmette, from which two branch out on each side. The moulding above the
shoulder is also coloured purple.

(a) Revel. Two bearded men, wearing high boots and a mantle over the
shoulders, dance with bent knees to r. ; the one on the 1. is wreathed with olive,
and plays on the flutes ; the foremost looks downward, extending on his 1. palm
a kylix, and carrying on his r. against his side a large cotyle (black silhouette) :
the upper part of his head, and part of the kylix, are broken away. On the r.
is inscribed, . .+A[>-t-AN ; between the figures, [<APTA AH<AIO$, NtJ^ap^&w
Kapra Si/ccuo?.

(If) Revel. Two bearded men as before, partly bald, with long pointed
beards, preceded by a small boy, all dancing to r. The left-hand figure looks
back, holding his knotted staff vertically to r. ; on his 1. hand he holds
against his body a kylix (outline). The other man has a chelys attached
to his 1. arm by a sash, of which he strikes the cords; his r. hand is
laid on his side, the thumb hidden in a fold of his mantle, which
covers the front of his body, hanging from the shoulders. The boy also
dances to r., looking downward, with r. arm extended and 1. leg raised;