Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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both dressed as the last; the one on the 1. has her hair looped up with a fillet,
and holds out a situla-shaped basket, decorated with two bands of ivy and
filled with fruit, towards the other, who wears a saccos and lifts the edge of her
chiton from her r. shoulder. Over these two figures is written, KA$$ANA[>A,
K-dcraavSpa, but it is uncertain for which of the two the name is intended.

E 774. PYXIS with cover. Ht. 6^ in. Athens, 1874. Dumont and Chaplain, pi. 9 ; Heyde-

mann, Comment. Mommseni, p. 171 ; Kretschmer, Vaseninschr. p. 201, no. 13. Style of
Xenotimos. Very fine miniature drawing. Gilding is- used for the jewellery, mirrors, pyxis,
flower, studs, and the disk on the cord, also for the central dots of the chequers in the border.
Purple inscriptions, tendril of flower, and aspergilla. Eye in profile. Below the design on the
body a band of maeanders running alternately to r. and 1., separated by chequered squares with
a central bead.

(a) Toilet scene (?). The locality is indicated by a pair of folding doors,
divided into panels by three horizontal bands with double rows of nails ; in the
upper panels are knocker and keyhole. In front of this, slightly to the 1., two
painted vases in the form of a lebes on a tall stand, which has a heart-shaped
aperture in the upper part, and containing sprigs of myrtle (?), for sprinkling water
(aspergilla), are placed together on a plinth. On the 1. stands a woman, Galene,
in a long chiton with diplois, earrings, and a necklace, her hair knotted behind
with a fillet, holding on both her forearms a square box decorated with two bands
of black and zigzags. Over her is her name, rAAENE, YaXijpi}. Beside her is a
box or table on three legs terminating in lions' paws, on which stand a pyxis
and an oinochoe with tall handle and neck (loutrophoros ?), also containing
sprigs of laurel. On the 1., on a diphros, a woman (Kymothea) is seated to the
1. in a mourning attitude ; her legs are crossed, the 1. over the r., her head is
bowed forward resting on her r. hand ; her r. elbow and 1. fore-arm rest on her
lap; she is dressed like the last figure, but has also a mantle around her lower
limbs, sandals, and bracelets ; over her is inscribed KVMO0EA, Kv/u,o9ea. She
seems to watch the action of a diminutive girl in a long undergirt chiton, with
long hair, who is occupied in tying the cord of her 1. sandal. Next is
Kymodoke, in long chiton and mantle, necklace with pendant- gilt bead, and
hair looped up with a beaded fillet; above her, KYMOAQKE, Kv/j>o8oKrj. She
holds in her 1. hand an alabastron of glass (indicated by zigzag lines of pattern
around it), and with her r. offers a square box to Thaleia, who is seated on the
1. in a chair confronting her, and holds out her r. to receive it, her 1. resting on
her lap ; she is dressed as Kymothea, except that she has no sandals, and
her long hair falls unconfined down her back, and forms in the drawing a
background for her profile. Above her, ©AAEIA, SdXeca. Behind her stands
Glauke, dressed as Galene, her hair knotted behind with a radiated fillet, holding
up in both hands a string with pendant beads ; above her, TAAYKE, YXavKrj.
The scene is closed on the 1. by a group of two women confronted. Doso,
dressed exactly as Kymodoke, except that she wears a plain fillet wound
thrice round her knotted hair, holds in her r., hanging in front of her, a flower
with gilt centre ; with her 1. she holds an edge of drapery at her side. Above
