Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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Eos and Selene. Selene, a girlish figure in a girt Doric chiton, her hair
knotted behind, with a radiated fillet, rides on a horse side-saddle to r., looking
downwards ; her r. rests on the horse's crupper, her 1. is hidden by the horse's
neck, but probably holds the reins. Behind her come the four horses of the
chariot of Eos, each one slightly behind the other; and Eos driving them, a
winged girlish figure with girt chiton and hair streaming back from a radiated
fillet, leaning forward to r. and holding in each hand a pair of reins ; on the r.
beside her head, a large eight-rayed star.

•E 777. PYXIS. Ht. 7\ in. 1848. Surface damaged. Drawing of a good period. The lid is

occupied with concentric bands of pattern ; round the handle rays, then linked lotus-buds, and
outside, sets of meander separated by red cross squares. The design occupies a broad band
round the body. Purple inscriptions, wool, cords, and fillets. Eye in profile. Below, on the
moulding, egg pattern ; above, on the under edge of the lid, reed pattern.

Toilet-scene. Beside a diphros, on which lies a folded mantle, two women
stand ; the one on the r. is en face, but looks to 1., taking with her r. hand an
alabastron which hangs from a peg (?) on the wall; the one on the 1. looks at her,
lifting with her 1. the edge of her skirt, her r. resting on her hip; she wears a
saccos; both have a long undergirt chiton. On each side of this group a
woman in saccos and long chiton moves away, looking back and pressing one
hand to her breast; the one on the r. has a mantle which covers one arm ; the
■ . other extends her r. arm ; on her r. is festooned a taenia with long purple cords
at each end. Over it is inscribed £&^2Z- On the 1. is another diphros, on the
1. of which is a woman in saccos and long chiton, who stands en face, looking to
r., in the act of folding with both arms a mantle held across her body. On her
r. kaah ; on her 1. hangs a hair-net (?), beside which is £^°Z. On the I. a
woman in a long chiton stands to r. with her 1. resting on her hip, and looks to
1., dropping from her r. hand wool into a tall calathos. Above this a sash, beside
which is inscribed kaah.

E 778. PYXIS. Ht. 4l- in. Athens, 1848. Drawing, late. Around the body is a wreath of

myrtle-leaves arranged in groups of three ; below it, on the moulding, egg pattern. The design
occupies a frieze around the handle; this handle is a modern restoration. The jewellery has
been gilt on a raised surface. Around the edge, egg pattern.

Women at toilet, Erotes and a youth. The composition falls into two
groups : (i) A woman seated to r. on high ground, raising her 1. hand to her
head, looks round at a youth on ]., who with 1. foot raised bends forward towards
her, extending his r.; a mantle passes over his 1. thigh and is held by his 1.
hand ; he wears a fillet; between them a large square box, below which is a
sash. On the 1. Eros crouches to r. ; his body is entirely restored, (ii) Behind
the last figure, a woman moves rapidly to r., holding on her 1. a large square box
surmounted by two beads, and a sash. She looks back at a woman who stands
in three-quarter face to r., holding on her 1. a tall fluted amphora with cover, and
a dotted sash ; she turns to look at a crouching Eros on the 1., who seems to
