Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 805. LID of a lepaste. Ht. 3 in. Diam. 10J in. Nola. Blacas Coll. Musee Blacas, pi. 4, p. 16.

Injured by fire ; the red is burnt (except in one fragment) to an ashy grey. Finest style. The
design forms a broad frieze around the central handle. Purple fillets, inscriptions, wreaths.
Round the handle, egg pattern ; round the lips, sets of three inlanders alternate ways, separated
by chequer squares.

Seven Muses. They fall into three groups, as follows : (i) A Muse, whose
name is broken away, seated to 1. in a chair, with her 1. arm resting on the "back,
her r. on her lap ; the upper part of her head is broken away ; her chair and
feet rest on a narrow plinth ; and behind her is a square box. On the 1.
Polyhymnia moves towards her, holding in both hands an object which is
almost entirely broken away, but which is probably a scroll ; on the r. of this
figure is her name, POAV . NIA, Ho\v[/j,]vla. Behind the seated Muse, Cleio moves
towards her, holding in her two hands a pair of flutes ; the fingers of the r. are
placed on the keys of one flute ; on the r. of her, KAEfl, KXe(/)w. Behind this
figure is a group (ii) of two confronted : on the 1. Euterpe stands in three-
quarter face to r., looking at Thaleia, who holds in each hand the end of a
wreath ; beside them their names, £VT£f>PH, Evrepirt), ©A/\El*, QaXela. Group
(iii) consists of two figures : Erato, inscribed ■ ■ . TCI, 'Epujreo, moving to r.,
turns to address Calliope, who stands to r., holding in both hands a square box.
All the Muses except Thaleia have long Ionic chiton and mantle, and their
hair is looped up behind with a fillet. Thaleia wears a Doric chiton with
apoptygma, and has short cropped hair, as if she were a young girl.

E 806. LEPASTE. Ht Si in. Diam. 7 J in. Athens ; found in 1813. Burgon Coll. The design

forms a broad frieze on the lid, around the handle, between two bands of rays. The drawing
is of a good period, but careless. White is used for the hair and beard and tail of the old
Seilenos and the wreaths of the young Seilenos and Satyr. Brown inner markings.

Seileni, a Satyr, and. Maenads. An old bent Seilenos, holding a keras,
moves haltingly to r., propping his steps with a thyrsos in his r. hand ; he looks
round at a Maenad in a long chiton with apoptygma girt, and looped-up hair,
who runs towards him, holding in front of her in each hand a torch. She is
followed by a black-haired Seilenos wreathed with ivy, who holds out in his r.
a keras. Behind him a beardless wreathed Satyr walks to ]., his 1. hand resting
on his hip„ and holding upright in his r. a thyrsos. Towards him comes a
Maenad like the first, but with a ncbris knotted round her waist and over the
1. shoulder, so that the hind leg hangs down in front ; she has a torch in her
r. hand, her 1. is extended, and she looks round at the old Seilenos.

E 807. FRAGMENT of a lepaste (?). Ht. if in. Width 3^ in. The diam. of the lip, when

complete, must have been about 10 in. Athens, 1S92 ; found on the Acropolis. Hartwig
Meistersch. p. 625, fig. 68. Style of Duris (?). Purple letters. The hair over the forehead is
in three rows of raised black dots. Eye archaic (ball dotted). Above, egg pattern.

Head, possibly of Ariadne, from a group of Dionysos pursuing Ariadne,
as E 4623; the only part of the design remaining is the head, part of the r. hand,
and the line of the 1. shoulder of Ariadne ; she seems to be fleeing to 1.. raising