Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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with hair knotted behind with a fillet, advances, lifting from a box in her 1. hand
a necklace of pendant beads; over her hangs a taenia. On the r. a similar
figure has stood, with r. hand raised ; and behind her a girl in long chiton
holding a taenia, but the upper part and arms of both are wanting. On each
side, below the handles a Nike flies towards the centre : the one on 1. wears long
Ionic chiton and mantle, and holds up on her r. a large smegmatotheke ; her
head is wanting from the mouth upwards. The other holds on her I. a box
and taenia ; only the lower part of her chiton and feet, and part of her large
wings, are preserved. Behind these is a group of three women, apparently
in continuation of the preceding scene, preparing for the toilet. The one on
r. wears a Doric chiton and saccos, and raises both hands to receive from the
central one an alabastron ; this figure turns towards the left-hand figure, who
raises her r. hand, as if to offer her a necklace or some similar object ; both
these wear Ionic chiton and mantle ; the upper part of their heads, and most of
their figures, are wanting. In the field hang two taenia?.

(2) Parts of two women, similarly occupied : one, in an Ionic chiton and
mantle, is turned to r. and raises some object in her r. above her 1. hand ; of the
other, only the draped 1. shoulder, and part of a box she is carrying, are

E 811. LEBES. Ht. 9 in. Diam. 8Jin. Athens, 1809. Burgon Coll. Late style. Surface

injured. The design forms a broad frieze round the body; below it, egg pattern ; above, on
the shoulder, tongue pattern ; round the lip, egg pattern.

Symposion. On two long couches, four youths, wreathed with ivy and
with himatia round their legs, recline to 1., two on each couch, their 1. arms
resting on striped cushions. The right-hand figure twirls a kylix on his r. fore-
finger ; his companion, with his r. hand raised to his head, turns to look at him.
The third and fourth also twirl kylikes, looking round to r. Between the couches
stands a girl to r., playing on flutes, in a long ungirt chiton with apoptygma.
In the foreground, beside each couch, are two tables side by side. The staff
of the fourth figure rests against his legs. On the ]., a youth runs towards this
group, wreathed, with mantle around his 1. shoulder, and holding up in his r. a
torch. Behind him is a youth wreathed, with mantle knotted round his waist,
holding oinochoe in r., and strainer in his 1. hand ; he stands en face beside a
large lebes which stands on a tripod beside the head of the first couch ; the
upper part of the tripod, below the lebes, is draped in a piece of material which
has an embattled and zigzag border, and a pattern of trefoils.

[This vase still contains debris of human bones and skull found inside it.]
