Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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* °13. SMALL KYLIX. Ht. fin. Diam. 3?- in. Tanagra, 1873. Drawing careful, but coarse

in parts. Traces of archaism in the transparency of dress and edge of hair. Clay pale.
Design in black outline on the interior ; a wash of black is used for the chiton and hair.
Around the lip a purple line within a black line ; the handles and exterior of lip are striped
with black. The eye has eyelashes drawn from upper lid to eyebrow.

Woman playing at cottabos (?). A woman in a long chiton, himation Plate XXI.
striped with rows of dots, covering the I. arm, decorated shoes and necklace, FIG- !■
with hair knotted on crown with dotted fillet, moves to 1., twirling over her
head on her r. forefinger a kylix of the same form as this vase, directing the
contents at a duck which seems to be raising itself from the water of a loutron on
a fluted stand on I., with beak pointed towards the kylix. On the r. arm of the
woman is a sleeve painted in diamond-shaped chequers alternately black ; on
her cheek is a trefoil of dots, and the details of the duck are marked in dots.

[According to the ancient accounts of the game, this form of cottabos was played by
sinking the oxybapha floating in a loutron. See Boehm, De Cottabo. p. 13 ; here the duck
takes the place of the oxybapha, as in E 202.]

E 814. PYXIS. Ht.2|in. Diam.4in. Tanagra, 1873. Clay pale. Fabric and style like E S13.

Design in black outline, burnt on the lid to red. Eyes as in E 813. Around the body, bands
of zigzag vertical lines, separated by square spaces, filled each with an ivy-leaf and bunch of
berries. On each cheek of the figure is a trefoil of minute dots, as in E 813.

On the lid : Heracles drawing water at a fountain. On the 1. is a rock Plate XXI.
with dotted surface, on top of which a flower is growing ; from it a lion's head Figs. 2, 3.
projects, with water flowing from its mouth into a fluted one-handled cup
which Heracles holds under it; he is beardless, with short chiton bordered
and dotted, over which is perhaps the lion-skin, and a sword hangs at his side ;
he is en face, with r. resting on a large club. He stands on irregular ground
painted black. Below the fountain is a loutron on a column, with water over-
flowing from it at two points.

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