Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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bowl on his knees, in which both his hands rest. In the field around him,
HOPA1J : KAVOJ, 6 Trat? ko\6<;.

[For other instances of this type of subject see Haftwig in Jaltrbitch, 1891, p. 250, and
1892, p. 118, on the " Seilenos on the couch " of Epictctos.]

KYLIX. Old No. 971. Ht. 3} in. Diam. 8} in. Vulci. Durand Coll. no. 667.
The central portion of (J>) is restored. Late stage of severe style ; drawing free, careless in
details. Light brown inner markings.

Interior: Within a circle of maeander, on cushions resting on the border of
the design, a bearded man and a hetaera, who has her hair cropped short.

Exterior (<?) : Armed foot-race. On 1. an ephebos in a bordered himation
leans forward with hand resting on a knotted crutched staff; in his 1. he holds
a long forked stick. Towards him run two athletes with helmet, greaves, and
shield. The foremost one is bearded, and has taken off his helmet, holding it in
his r., showing a broad taenia tied around his head ; the device on his shield is a
lupin leaf (?) ; his phallos is infibulated. He wins easily, looking round at his
competitor, who is in difficulties, having dropped his shield (device, a circle ?
surrounded by four dotted rings) ; beside the goal, a fluted post on a plinth.

(l>) Wrestling match. Beside a goal-post, as in (a), two wrestlers are
confronted ; they lean forward, grasping each other by the forearms. The
figure on r. is restored as bearded. On the r. a bearded man in himation and
shoes, leaning on a crutched staff, extends towards them in his r. a long forked

PELIKE. Ht. 6J in. Witt Coll. 49 ; Pourtales Coll., 1865 {Cat. 263). Late stage of fine
period. Purple is used for the fillet, seed, and leaves. Above and below each side, egg pattern.

(a) A girl, with long sleeved chiton, himation knotted around her waist,
and hair looped up with fillet, leans forward to r., holding in her 1. a rectangular
box ; with her r. she sprinkles with seed (?) four objects in the form of phalli set
upright in the ground, around which are leaves (?) springing up. Above her on
k hangs a sash, on r. a looped fillet.

[This scene may have reference to one of the mystic ceremonies of Athenian women,
such as the Thcsmophoria ; cf. the vase in Heydemann, Gr. Vascnb. pi. 5, fig. 7.]

{b) An ephebos in himation and fillet moving to r. with arm extended, as if
signing to the figure in (a).

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