Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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■"2. KYLIX. Ht.4*-in. Diam. 9§-in. Cameiros, 1864. White Athenian Vases in Brit. Mies.

pi. 1; ; Salzmann, Nicr. de Camiros, pi. 60; Baumeister, pi. xx, p. 857 ; Rayet and Collignon,
pi. 10, 2 ; Harrison and Verrall, p. 215, fig. 13 ; Harrison and Maccoll, frontispiece, p. 20; Bull,
dell' hist. 1859, p. 100 ; Strube, Bilderkreis von Eleusis, Suppl. p. 14 ; J. H. S. xii, p. 317 ;
Athen. Mittheil. 18S1, p. 113 ; Jahrbuch, i. (1886), p. 232 ; Klein, Euphronios*, pp. 242 and
248 ; Meislersig.2, p. 147 ; Lieb lings ins chr. p. 80, no. 4 ; Wernicke, Lieblingsn. p. 93, no. 12 ;
Hartwig, Meistcrsch. p. 501, no. 13. Drawing of best period. Black-brown glazed outline, hair
in dark brown lines on a wash of light brown ; necklace, black ; himation, pinkish-brown,
with folds in same colour as outline ; borders of chiton, pinkish-brown, with meander pattern in
yellowish-white. Finger-nails carefully drawn in. Inner details in brown. Eye in transition
type (dotted circle in half-outline). Outer edge of wing shaded in light brown. The sketch-
marks, lightly engraved in the white engobe, are plainly visible.

Interior: Within a thin black circle, Aphrodite riding on a goose. The
goose flies to 1., the goddess seated between its 1. pinion and neck; in her r.,
which passes to r. of its neck, she holds up a long curling tendril, with a
honeysuckle-flower at the end ; her 1. finger and -thumb are joined, as if they
too had held something. She wears a long sleeved chiton, bordered at neck
and skirt, and decorated with a pattern of crosses, a himation, a saccos confined
with a fillet, necklace, and sandals. Above, on r., is inscribed her name,

, , , A\AVKON

ACDPOAITfzj., ,A(ppoOiTrj'; (sc. el/ccov). Below, T\avKO>v /ca\6$.

[This vase was found in the same tomb as the two cotylas, E 135, E 136, and a lekythos,
E641 ; see Athen. Mittheil. 1880, p. 3S2.]

KYLIX. Ht.3|in. Diam. 9 in. 1866. Hartwig, Meistersch. p. 501, no. 18. Two-thirds
of the vase, including the foot and handles, are wanting. Drawing of a good period. The
interior is on a white ground ; brown outline ; hair in brown lines on a wash of yellow
(thinned brown) ; inner details yellow ; chlamys, black silhouette, with folds and border in
purple. Eye in profile.

Within a thin brown circle (diam. 6 in.), an ephebos advancing to r. to
attack ; he steps forward with body somewhat thrown back, 1. leg bent and r.
advanced, holding spear couched in r., and chlamys (fastened with brooch on
r. shoulder) held out on 1. arm as shield ; his hair is long and looped up over
his ears ; he wears a broad-brimmed petasos. On r. has been an inscription, of
which only one letter, V, remains.

The xeterior scenes were red on black; on the fragments which are pre-
served are traces of a scene in which winged draped figures (Nikae) are flying
with objects in their hands.

KYLIX. Ht. 5 in. Diam. I2j-in. Found at Nola in 1828 or 1829 with another kylix of
similar technique. Purchased at the sale of the Bale Coll. 1881. Formerly in Hope Coll.
White Athenian Vases, pi. 19 ; De Witte, Cat. Magnoncourt, no. 9 ; Gerhard, Erstes Berliner
Winckelmannsfestpr. pi. 1, p. 5 ; El. Ce'r. iii, pi. 44, pp. 151 and 159 ; Roscher, s. v. Hephaistos,
p. 2058; Harrison and Verrall, p. 450, fig. 50; cf. Bull, dell' Inst. 1829, p. 19; Klein, Euphronios2
p. 251 ; Jahn, Arch. Aufs. p. 132 ; Kretschmer, Vaseninschr. p. 203, no. 187 ; Hartwig, Meis-
tersch. p. 500, no. 9 ; Rayet and Collignon, p. 222 ; /. H. S. xi. p. 279 ; Murray, Handbook of Gk.
Archaology, p. 95 ; Jahn, Vasens. zu Miinchen, p. Iviii, no. 381 ; C. I. Gr. 7416. Portions of
both the exterior and interior designs are wanting. In the interior the right arm of Athene and


