Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 4): Vases of the latest period — London, 1896

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her is a female figure, with cpisthosphendonc, long chiton, himation, and shoes
with turned-up toes, playing the double flute. [Cf. E 38 and E 61.]

(/;) Ephcbcs to r., with himation over 1. shoulder, and staff in r. hand
with cross-piece at the top ; facing him is a female figure with close cap, long
chiton, and sandals with turned-up toes, wrapped in a bordered himation.

AMPHORA. Old No. 1684. Ht. 12J in. From the Basilicata. Pourtalcs Coll., 1865
{Cat. 335). Panofka, Cab. Pourtales, pi. 22, p. 72 ; Raoul-Rochette, Mon. Ined. pi. 64, pp.
369-371 ; Ann. dell' Inst. 1829, p. 302. Designs red on black ground ; coarse style. Above
the designs, tongue-pattern with dots ; below, a band of lozenge-pattern with do's.

{a) Bearded male figure, with long sleeved chiton and himation, in r.
hand a staff, looking to r., towards a Canopic jar resting on a plinth, which
terminates in a female head.

(/;) Part of the same scene : A female figure to r. (probably representing the
Nymph of a spring), of whom only the upper half is visible, with cap and
himation, extending r. hand to a beardless male figure, who stands to front
looking to 1., with pilos and chlamys, in 1. hand a hoc or axe, r. extended to
the female figure ; his feet sink into the band of ornament below.

[Probably a representation of digging a spring : cf. Robert, Arch. Mdrclicn, p. 179 ff.J

AMPHORA. Old No. 86j. Ht. 13.^ in. Hamilton Coll. ; originally in the Vatican
library. Passeri, Put. Etr. iii. pi. 249 ; D:HancarvilIc, iii. pi. 94 ; Inghirami, Mon. Etr. v.
pl- 17 ; Gerhard, Gesammeltc Abhandl. 1836, p. 298, and 1841, p. 117, pi. xx. 5, 6 ; Roscher, i.
P- 710; Daremberg and Saglio, i. p. 478 (figure of Heracles); Heydemann, Humoristische
Vascnb. p. 5, note 14 b ; a similar vase in Bull. Arch. Nap. iv. (1845-6), pl. 5. Designs red on
black ground ; coarse style. Above the designs, egg-moulding, red on black ; below, maeander,
black on red.

(a) Heracles with face to front, beard and moustache, and lion's skin over
his head, supporting on his shoulders the heavens, which are represented by a
hemisphere on which arc a crescent and two stars. On the r. is Hera, with long
hair, mitra, long chiton, and bordered himation, extending r. hand to him, 1.
muffled in drapery ; partly restored.

(b) Atlas to 1., bearded, with short chiton and hands extended, advances
towards the tree in the garden of the Hesperides, on which arc three golden
apples ; round it is coiled the serpent with two bearded heads, one issuing on
either side ; the one on the r. has its crest raised and tongue protruding. On
the 1. is a Hesperid to r. with curly hair, cap. long sleeved chiton and apoptygma
to the hips, extending 1. hand to one of the serpent's heads, as if to calm it.