Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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STYLE OF ASSTEAS (F 149-156; see p. 16).

F 149. BELL-CRATER. Ht. 22 in. Diam. 20^ in. From Santa Agata dei Goti. Carlisle

Coll., 1890 ; formerly in Naples. Monuments publics par la section francaise de FInst. Arch.
pi. 10, and vol. i. p. 487 ff., pi. B ; /. H. S. xi. pis. 6, 7, p. 225, and vi. p. 40 ; Duruy, History of
Greece, iii. p. 513 ; Roscher, i. pp. 247, 2755 ; Ann. delF Inst. 1872, p. 7 ; Jahn, Vascnsamml.
zu Miinchen, p. ccxxxi., note 1445 \ Welcker, Alte Denim, iii. p. 300 ; Hirt, Bilderbuch, p. 21,
and Gesch. d. bildenden Kiinste, p. 264 ; Waagen, Art and Artists in Engla.7id, iii. p. 211 ;
Michaelis, Ancient Marbles in Gt. Britain, p. 332 ; Morgenblatt, 1811, p. 651 ; Arch. Zeit. 1872,
p. 93 ; Class. Rev. 1S90, p. 135 ; Brunn, Kiinstlcrgesch. ii. p. 731 ; Klein, Meistersig. p. 210;
Vogel, Scenen Eurip. 1'ragod. p. 33 ; Engelmann, Bcilrdge zu Euripides (Berlin, 1882), p. 6 ;
Rayet and Collignon, Hist. Ce'r. Grecque, p. 313 ; Murray, Handbook of Gk. Archaeology, p. 105 ;
Overbeck, Knnstmytli. {Zens), p. 404 ; C. I. Gr. 8492 ; Kretschmer, Gr. Vascninschr. p. 223 ;
Amer. fourh. of Archaeol. 1890, p. 256 ; Athenaeum, 1890, i. p. 313 ; Bloch, die zuscliaucnden
Cotter, p. 35. Repaired and restored (the handle on the right side mended with lead in
antiquity). Designs in panels, red on black ground, with accessories of white and purple.
Shape as Fig. 1. Above the designs, (a) ivy-wreath and egg-moulding (as F 154), (b) laurel-
wreath ; under the handles, palmette-patterns ; below the designs, (a) maeander and chequer,
(b) wave-pattern.

(a) Alcmene appealing to Zeus against Amphitryon (cf. F 193) : In the
centre is Alcmene, seated to 1. on an altar, which is painted white with egg-
moulding along the top and an imitation of triglyphs below (markings in yellow) ;
in front of it is erected a pyre of round logs. She has long curls, necklace and
bracelets, an embroidered veil over her head, long chiton and apoptygma
embroidered with chequer, palmettes, and other patterns, girdle with white
studs, and sandals ; her r. hand is raised in supplication. Above the design is
incised : aakmhnh, 'AX/efirfw). On the r. is Amphitryon to 1. setting fire to the
pyre with a torch in each hand ; he is bearded, with long hair, short em-
broidered chiton with engrailed and palmette patterns and border of white
dots, embroidered chlamys with border of chequer over his arms, endromides,
and purple cross-belt from which hangs a sheathed sword; above him is
incised : AM<t>lTPYnN, 'A/xcfriTpiHov. On the 1. is Antenor starting back to 1.,
looking to r., beardless, with long curls, white pilos, short sleeved embroidered
chiton with borders of engrailed and wave patterns, girdle and cross-belt with
astragalus pattern, embroidered chlamys with border of dots, fastened with a
fibula in front, and endromides ; between his legs is a fallen yellow prochoos;
above him is incised : ANTHNflP, 'AvT^vcop. Over the altar is a purple and
white rainbow enclosing a black space which is filled with white clots, repre-
senting drops of the rain sent in answer to Alcmene's prayer; below the pyre
are two white thunderbolts, as if cast by Zeus at Amphitryon and Antenor.
On each side of the rainbow, on a higher level (indicated by a wavy white
line ending in a palmette), is the upper half of a female figure pouring water
out of a hydria, which is indicated by black and white streaks ; these two
figures are the Hyades. The one on the 1. has long hair, a broad purple
fillet with white chevron pattern, necklace, long purple chiton embroidered