Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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CAMPANIAN STYLE (F 188-26S ; see p. 19).

BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1333. Ht. 14J in. Diam. 14?- in. Hamilton Coll.
D'Hancarville, iv. pi. 11S ; Heydemann in Jahrbuch, i. (1886), p. 290. Designs red on black
ground, with accessories of white and purple, retouched. Shape as Fig. I. Above the designs,
laurel-wreath ; below, wave-pattern ; below the handles, palmettos.

(a) Scene from a comedy: On the 1. is the youthful Dionysos to r., with
long hair, ivy-wreath, dotted taenia tied round head, bordered himation over r.
leg and 1. arm, and shoes with white studs, hands extended, 1. arm leaning on
staff; he holds out fruit in 1. hand to a comic actor who dances before him, as if
intoxicated, with r. leg uplifted and arms extended. The actor wears a close-
fitting garment with sleeves (jerkin and anaxyrides in one piece), with a white
stripe down the legs, and over it a short purple chiton with padded stomach,
and purple phallos ; he has a large nose and wrinkled face, white hair, and
pointed beard. On his head he balances a large basket ornamented with
zigzags and palmettes, all painted in white outlines; Dionysos raises r. hand as
if to prevent the basket from falling.

[Cf. F 148 ; but it is not likely that Atlas is here intended.]

(b) Epliebos to r., with wreath, himation, sandals, in one hand a twig, con-
fronting a female figure with wreath, himation, veil over the back of her head,
and sandals.

BELL-CRATER. Ht. 15J in. Diam. 151 in. From Capua. Castellani, 1873.
Heydemann in Jahrbuch, i. (18S6), p. 295. Designs red on black ground, with accessories of
white, yellow, and purple. Above the designs, laurel-wreath ; below, wave-pattern ; below the
handles, palmettes. Above, on obv.. two rows of vine-leaves, in which is intertwined a purple

(a) Scene from a farce, perhaps a father dragging a drunken youth
home from a symposion : A high stage is represented, supported by three Doric
columns (the centre one white) ; from it hang two purple taeniae and four vine-
branches ; on either side of the scene is a post representing the side-wall. On
the stage are two comic actors confronted; the one on the r. has a mask with
short stiff white hair, beard and moustache, jerkin and anaxyrides in one piece,
over which is a short white chiton with yellow stripes and purple border,
embroidered chlamys round body and 1. arm, purple phallos and padded stomach,
ln I. hand a hooked stick ; he moves away to r., looking back, and with r. hand
grasps the other's 1. wrist. The latter has a mask with black hair and beard,
wreath, lantern in r. hand, pJiiale and purple taenia with yellow spots in 1. ; he is
attired as the first; behind him is a swan to v., pecking the ground.

(V) Two epliebi confronted ; the one on the 1. has long curly hair, wreath,
long chiton, himation with clotted border, sandals, and staff in 1. hand. The
