Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ETRUSCAN AND LOCAL FABRICS (F 478-505; see p. 21).

F 478. KYLIX. Ht. 4j in. Diam. iof in. Civita Castellana, 1892. Repaired. Designs red

on black ground, with occasional accessories of white. Executed by an Etruscan artist under
the influence of a Greek training ; the exterior is in the usual Etruscan manner, but the
interior shows a conscious attempt to imitate the best work of the Athenian kylix-paintcrs ;
the date is probably about the beginning of the fourth century B.C. Shape as Vol. II. Fig. 18,
but higher stem and very flat shallow bowl. Round the handles, large ugly palmettes ; below
the interior design, a band of egg-moulding, and round it, maeander and chequer.

Interior : The three Charites : The first bends forward to the 1., lifting up Piate XII-
the lid of a large cylindrical cista, into which she is about to put a white Fig. 2.
alabastron held in 1. hand ; the cista is ornamented with diaper and maeander
patterns, and stands on three feet. Her hair is elaborately curled and gathered
in a projecting mass at the back, with a top-knot in front ; she wears a
double spJiendone, earrings, necklace, silver armlet on 1. arm, and shoes, and
over her 1. arm is a bordered himation, which is twisted up between her legs.
Before her hangs a large aryballos from a peg, ornamented with diaper pattern,
with a taenia twisted round it. The second stands behind her to 1., with 1. foot
drawn back, similarly attired (no himation); she looks into a mirror which she
holds up in 1. hand, with r. supporting it. The third behind her places r. hand
on her 1. shoulder; her r. foot is drawn back and 1. hand placed on her hip ; she
is attired as the first, but has no sphendone.

Exterior : (a) Female figure to r., with long hair streaming out to a point
behind, holding up a rhyton in r. hand and a small object in 1. ; she wears
earrings, necklace, and large bordered embroidered himation fastened on
1. shoulder. Confronting her is a nude youth with long hair streaming out to
a point behind, wearing sandals, holding up a rhyton in r. hand ; his 1. foot is
drawn back, and 1. hand placed on hip.

(b) Similar subject; the female figure has nothing in her 1. hand.

[An almost identical kylix in Berlin {Cat. 2944) is published by Gerhard (Gr. u. Etr.
Triilkschalcn, pi. 16, figs. 3, 4).]

CRATER. Ht. 193 in. Diam. 2lf in. Civita Castellana, 1888. Class. Rev. ii. (it
p. 327 ; Murray, Handbook of Gk. Archaeology, p. 376. Slightly injured. Designs red and white
on black ground, with yellow accessories ; on the white ground the details are marked in black.
Above the designs, laurel-wreath ; below each, a band of palmette-pattern bordered by egg-
moulding. Shape as F 37.

(a) The infant Heracles strangling the snakes : In the centre on the Plate XIII-
ground is Heracles kneeling on one knee to 1., looking to r., strangling with
1. hand a snake which is twisted round his legs. On the r. is Iphitos to r.,
looking to 1., falling back with hands raised in terror at a snake behind him
rearing to 1. Both are nude, with short curls and cross-belts, and Heracles has