Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 4): Vases of the latest period — London, 1896

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other wears a fillet, and himation as the first; in r. hand he holds out a taenia
and a white fruit or ball, in 1. hand is a staff. Between them hangs a taenia.

F 190. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1317. Ht. 11} in. Diam. 11$ in. Hamilton Coll.

D'Hancarville, iv. pi. 100. Repaired. Designs red on black ground, with white accessories
Above the designs, laurel-wreath ; below, wave-pattern ; below the handles, palmettes.

(a) Maenad, with close cap radiated over the forehead, necklace, ear-
rings, and bracelets, long girt chiton and apoptygma falling below the waist,
shoes with studs, tympanon in 1. hand from which hang beads, torch in r. with
string of beads, moves away to r., looking back at a youthful Satyr who follows
her. He wears a beaded fillet and white belt over 1. shoulder ; in his r. hand is
a rhyton, in 1. a situla ; behind him, a rosette.

(b) Two epliebi conversing, in himatia leaving one shoulder bare ; the one
on the r. has a staff; between them hangs a pair of halteres, and on the r. is
a window.

F 191. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1345. Ht. lof in. Diam. \o\ in. Towneley Coll. Passeri,

Pict. Etr. ii. pi. 112. Designs red on black ground, with accessories of white and yellow on
both sides. Above each design, a laurel-wreath ; below the designs, wave-pattern ; below the
handles, palmettes.

(a) Farewell scene : A female figure seated on a rock to r., with hair
gathered in a white cap open behind, earrings, necklace, bracelets, long chiton
with beaded girdle fastened with fibulae on the shoulders, and white sandals. In
1. hand she holds out a wreath and a dish of fruit to a beardless warrior wearing
a white helmet with double plume, white linen cuirass with belt and shoulder-
straps, short chiton, and white greaves. His 1. hand rests on a shield painted
white, and his r. holds out a spear round which is tied a taenia; between them
hangs a pliialc. Over the female figure is a vine-twig, and behind the warrior
a branch.

(b) Two epliebi conversing, wrapped in himatia, with beaded fillets ; between
them hang a pyxis and a string of beads, and on the r. is a rosette.

F 192. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1315. Ht. 11 in. Diam. 10J in. Payne Knight Coll.

Tischbein, Vases cPHamilton, i. pi. 49. Designs red on black ground, with white accessories ;
much worn. Above the designs, laurel-wreath ; below, wave-pattern ; below the handles,

(a) In the centre is a Satyr to 1. dancing, standing on r. leg, with head
thrown back ; he wears a wreath, beaded fillet, bracelets, and cross-belt, and
endeavours to kiss a Maenad whose head he seizes with r. hand. She rushes to
meet him, and places r. hand under his r. arm ; she has long hair, fillet, earrings,
necklace, bracelets, long girt bordered chiton and apoptygma, and thyrsos in 1. hand.
On the 1. is a Satyr to r., as the other, with thyrsos in r. hand, 1. extended.

(b) Two epliebi wearing fillets and wrapped in himatia, confronted over a
stele, above, which hangs a ball; on the stele is fruit.