Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Forsdyke, Edgar J.; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 1,1): Prehistoric Aegean pottery — London, 1925

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A 265i-i3. FRAGMENTS, similar. L. 3f in. to l| in. From site, near Corinth (1-10), Mycenae

(11), H. Kosmas (12, 13). Presented as A 261. As Korakou, figs. 3-6. Varnished ware as
before, with lustrous wash shading from black to light red. Nos. 1-3 are spout and bases of
bowls like A 263, 2 shows part of an incised barred rectangle. No. 4 appears to be part of a
sunk disc base, like those of the Early Cycladic vases A 301, etc., and 12 is from a hollow
cone foot. No. 7 is from a incurved rim, similar to 6 and 9 in the preceding number and the
Middle Cycladic bowls A 346, A 347. No. 8, from Korakou, has brilliant metallic lustre and
is lircd red inside, red with a broad black band below the lip outside ; this is from a hemi-
spherical bowl. No. 6 is painted with very thin reddish wash in which the brush-marks show
as a regular diagonal lattice above a horizontal band. No. 10 is varnished black outside, and
striped with the same varnish inside. (Fig. 50.)

Fig. 50.—Burnished, Incised, Slipped and Painted Fabrics. (Early and Middle Helladic.)

A 2661-2. FRAGMENTS of rim. L. 4 in., 3i in. From the Aspis at Argos. Presented by the

Hellenic Government, 1912. Red clay, perhaps varnished, but the pigment is transparent and
shows only as a polish. Both pieces are from one broad plain rim.

A 2671-6. FRAGMENTS of slipped ware. L. 1 in. to 53 in. From Mycenae (1), Tiryns (2), and

sites near Corinth (3-6), as A 261. As Korakou, figs. 3, 9 ; B.S.A., xxii, p. 177. Light brown
clay covered with a polished slip ranging from buff to white, on which in 5 and 6 is painted
decoration. The slip is sometimes thick and flakes off (2-4) ; these three pieces seem to belong-
to oval vessels, bowls like A 263, and they have peculiarly sharp rims. Nos. 1 and 5 have