Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Forsdyke, Edgar J.; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 1,1): Prehistoric Aegean pottery — London, 1925

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A 294u2.
A 296.

A 297!-;

A 298i-

A 299i-6


FRAGMENTS of bowls. L. 4i in., 5 in. From Attica. Fine grey ware, from bowls
with sharp shoulder and roll lip, perhaps goblets as before. The clay is not highly burnished.
No. 1 has a rivet hole at one edge. Wheel-made.

FRAGMENTS of bowls. L. 2j in., 5J in. From Lianokladi. Thin grey ware : 1 is
well polished, from the shoulder of a bowl as last ; 2 is a plain piece from a much larger vase.

FRAGMENT from shoulder of bowl. L. 2} in. From Dimini. The clay is partly red,
but properly fired grey on the surface, with silvery burnish.

FRAGMENT from base. L. 3 in. From Phylakopi in Melos. Smooth grey clay but
wheel-made and not burnished. From a bowl or jug with plain flat base.

'• FRAGMENTS of similar ware. L. if- in. to if in. From Geraki in Laconia. B.S.A.,

xvi, p. 73. No. 1 is fine grey ware, as before ; 2 and 3 have red clay with dark grey surface
and are probably local imitations of bitcchero.

FRAGMENTS' of bowls. L. 4-J in. to 3 in. From the Aspis at Argos. B.C.H., 1906,
P- 11 ; J.H.S., I.e., fig. 6. Red clay with polished black or brown surface. The pieces are from
heavy bowls with fiat lip, angular shoulder, and slightly curved foot. The space between
lip and edge of shoulder is fluted, and curves or zig-zags of two or three thin lines are impressed
on the body. No. 1 is a low foot, 2 is part of body, 3 and 4 are heavy rims, and 5 is a shoulder
with top of flat loop handle. 'Argive Minyan.'

FRAGMENTS of yellow ware. L. 3! in. to 2 in. From Mycenae (1-5) and Korakou
(6), as A 261. The clay is reddish in fracture wilh lustrous yellow surface ; 1-4 are rims and
handles of bowls or goblets like A 284 ; 5 and 6 show curved profiles, like A 2S2. ' Yellow
Minyan,' hardly to be distinguished in fabric from unpainted Mycenaean pottery.

[Some of the Minyan pottery and most of the imitative yellow wares may belong to the
Late Helladic Period. Late Helladic fabrics of Minoan origin are catalogued as Mycenaean.]