Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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7. St. Bishcp Abraham from Bawit, Berlin, Staatliche Museen (after W. Zaloscer, Vom

Mumienbildnis zur Ikonę, op. cit.)

tance to the interpretation of the image of St. Anne of Faras. The Evangelist receives the inspi-
ration from the Manus Dei in silence, revealed by right index finger touching his lips (Fig. 17)36.

The gesture of silence, freąuently nsed in Western and Eastern art, was subject to freąuent
changes of meaning37, which brings out the originality of the image of St. Anne of Faras. Written
and iconographic sources account for this originality.

36. L. A. Dournovo, Miniaturcs Armeniennes, Paris, 1960, p. 96, Fig. 99: sign. Matendarun Ns 7644. The gesture of silence
appears in the following works of art: 1. Coptic mural of the chapel in Bawit (Iowcr znne — Three Aposlles asssiting to the
Virgin-T/ieoto/cos), repr. Ch. Ihm, Die Programme der christlichen Apsismalerei vom vierłen Jahrhundert bis zur Mttte den
achten Jahrhunderls, Wiesbaden, 1960, p. 203, chapel XXVIII, pi. XVIII, 1; S. Dufrennc, Cahiers Archćologiąues, XV,
1965, p. 83—95, Fig. 2; 2. Greek manuscript in the raonastery Dionysiou, Athos (Cod. 27, New Testament, 18th century,
the miniaturę with the Evangelist Lukę) repr. S. M. Pclekanides, P. C. Christou, Ch. Tsioumis, S. N. Kadas, The Treasures
of Mount Athos, Jlłuminaled Manuscripłs, Athens, 1974, Fig. 66.

37. The lesical elaboration of the gestures cursorily includes the gesture of silence, see O. Holi, „Handgcharden", in: Lexikon
der christlichen Ikonographie, Rom-Freiburg, II, 1970, col. 214—216; KI. WesseL „Gesten", Realle.rikon zur byzantinischen
Kunst, II, Stuttgart, 1970, col. 768—783; (Acclamation, Fiirbite, Gebet, Macht, Segen, Sprechen, Trauer, Triumpli,
Vcrlegenheit: the typical gesture of embarrassment is the putting of the right forefinger on the lips or near the mouth e.g.
inthesceneof the Denial of Peter); B. Koffing, „Gęste und Gcbarde", Reallexikon fur Antike und Christentum, X, Stuttgart,
1976, col. 895—902: A. Gesten, III Hand (Finger; K. Gross, s.v. Finger, ibid. col. 943) 1: Zeige-Finger, forefinger put on
the lips or the cheek is a symbol of meditation or grievous embarrassment; E. Brunner-Traut, „Gesten", Le.rikon der
Agyptalogie, Wiesbaden, 1976, II, 3d: Schweigen.
