Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 32.1991

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2
DOI Artikel:
Dobrzeniecki, Tadeusz: Tentatio Christi
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stellung, op. cit.)

An explanation of this unique representation of the Satan may be found in a 2nd century work,
Didache — The Teaching of Twelve Apostles: „In the finał days, falsc prophets and depravers
will multiply . . . then the deceiver of the world will make his appearance as the Son of God, and
will make signs and do wonders".42

The Satan as a seductor is represcnted in cathedral seulptures in Upper Rheinland. In the
museum of the Strasbourg Cathedral, the Satan in regal clothes makes a seducive gesture, his
robe is ripped up at the back, and his naked body is shown teeming with reptiles, among włiich
frogs, lizards, blind-worms, and snakes, in addition to hcll-fire may be seen.43 The Satan, a fal-
len angel, is prompted by haughtiness (superbia) and strives to become similar to Christ, the Son
of God.

In our Triptych, the Satan, a false god (ei§m>.ov — idolum), gives Jesus a demonical44, wicked
glance;45 his eyes literally flash fire. This most original representation in the familiar iconography
of the Temptation takes its source in what Jesus says to one of his disciples, as recordcd by the
Evangelists: ,,Videbam salanam sicuł fulgur de caello cadentem".i6

42. Pierwsi Świadkowie. Wybór najstarszych pism chrześcijańskich. Ojcowie Żywi (The First Witncsses. Selection of the Oldest
Christian Writings. The Living Fathers), VIII, Kraków, 1988, p. 52.

43. V.-H. Debidour, Le Bestiaire sculple du Moyen Agc en France, Paris, 1961, Fig. 437 : Musee de 1'Oeuire Notre Dame, Stras-

44. D. Frey, „Damonie des Blickes',in Akademie der Wissenschaftcn und der Literatur in Mainz, Abhandlungen der Geistes-
und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, 1953, No. 6, pp. 245—298, Fig. 23: B. Kótting,„Boser BUck",Reallexikonfur Anlikc-
und Chrislentum, II, Stuttgart, 1957, col. 475—482.

45. Lukę, X, 18.

46. Fr. Spitta,,,Der Satan ab Blitz', Zcitschriftfur die neutestamentliche Wisscnschafl, IX Jhg, 1908, pp. 160—163.
