Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 32.1991

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Michałowski, Maciej Piotr: The Raczyński of Rogalin
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6. The Raczyński Palące in Rogalin: Staircase, as it was before 1939
(photo Muzeum Narodowe, Poznań)

may also note Portrait of a Venetian or Genoese Dignitary with a Long Black Beard, a work of
the Venetian or Genoese scliool from the sixteenth century, and an eighteenth. century Work
depicting Venus and Vulcan surrounded by Cupids.

The Dutch scliool was equally well represented in Rogalin. None of those pictures however
has survived in Polish collections. As well as a few works from the sixtccnth century wliose
origin is not known, there is evidence that the collection included the joint Work of Hendrick
van Balen and Jan (Velvet) Brueghel Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalenę (oil on copperplate,.
47x65.5 cm). Most important of all, however, besides the Christ by Rembrandt mentioned
earlier, was another picture traditionally ascribed to this artist. This was the Portrait of a Young
Man (oil on canvas, 71x59.5 cm), which came from the Lubomirski collections.42 This canvas
was removed from Rogalin in 1911.43 Other Dutch and Flemish works in the palące included:
Abraham van Dipenbeeck's Crown of Thorns ,Aeart van der Neer's Winter Landscape — Yillage
and Shaters on Ice (oil on panel, 75.5 X 121 cm, signed and dated 1654; formerly in the Sulkowski
collection in Rydzyna). Of the two really excellent genre scenes with women playing musie,
the Woman Playing on a Lute by Eglon van der Neer44 disappeared without a tracę, but Gabriel
Metsu's Young Woman with a Cello can be found toddy adorning the Fine Arts Museum in San.

42. There is a detailed description and pencil copy of the composition in Batowski's notes; cf. note 33.

43. According to M. Walicki, op. cii., p. 335, it was lent to the Rembrandt exhibition in the Hague in 1911 (where it was ascri-
bed to Fabritius) and did not return to Rogalin afterwards.

44. C. Hofstede de Groot, op, cii., V, 1912, no. 73; E. Raczyński, Rogalin..., op. cit., p. 20; according to Batowski: Fr. Micris-
