Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

DOI article:
Aksamit, Joanna: Stone Vessels from Edfu in the National Museum in Warsaw
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calcite; other shapes and materials appear less freąuently. Among the vessels
from Edfu in the National Museum there are two examples of the use of
anorthosite gneiss (described also as diorite): a smali, round-bottomed dish,6 *
and a magnificent, thin-walled bowl of a shape imitating the Meidum bowl
- a distinctive Old Kingdom pottery form (ill. 3). Noteworthy are also two

1. Vessels from
the mastaba documented
by Alliot

(Old Kingdom, 5"1 Dynasty):

a. globular vessel
(inv. no.l 40629)

b. collared beaker


c. collared beoker

d. upper port
of a cylindrical ointment jor
e. cylindrical ointment jar

The Notional Museum Warsów
(photo Z. Doliński).


calcite spouted bowls,8 a group of collared beakers9 (ill. 1) - the form
common in the late Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period - and a
granite squat spheroid jar with tubular handles (ill. 4).10 The collection of
the Old Kingdom stone vessels is supplemented by two calcite tops of
offering tables, a form which - although not a vessel in the strict sense - is
habitually included in stone vessels' shape repertory (ill. 3).11 * *

6 Inv. no. 138819, see: B. Bruyere, J. Manteuffel, K. Michałowski, J. Sainte Farę Garnot, Tell
Edfou 1937, (Fouilles franco-polonaises. Rapports L, later quoted as: Tell Edfou 1937), Cairo
1937, p. 107, no. 45, pl. XXII.

4nv. no. 139909, see: Tell Edfou 1939, p. 176, no. 71, pl. XVI, 9, cf. Ruszczyć, “Grobowiec...”,
op. cit., p. 59, fig. 5, eadem, Egipskie naczynia..., op. cit. Other stone bowls of this shape see:
Aston, op. cit., p. 132.

8 Inv. no. 140708, see: Tell Edfou 1937, p. 108, no. 50, pl. XX; Ruszczyć, Egipskie naczynia...,
op. cit.-, inv. no. 139979, unpublished.

9 Inv. nos. 140632, 138808, 138808, 138807, 139990, 140630, 140617, 140611, see: Tell
Edfou I, pp. 107-108, Nos. 44, 47, 49, 53, 55, pis. XVIII, 2; XIX, 1; XXII; Tell Edfou 1939,
op. cit., p. 178, no. 90, pl. XVIII, 8; M. Alliot, Rapport sur les fouilles de Tell Edfou (1932)
(Fouilles de 1’Institut franęais d’archeologie orientale du Caire IX, 2, later quoted as: Alliot,
Raport 1932), Cairo 1933°, p. 32, pis. XXXII, XXXIII, 1-4.

10 Inv. no. 138811, see: Tell Edfou 1939, p. 108, no. 49, pl. XX.

" Inv. nos 139332 and 139963, see: K. Michałowski, J. de Linage, J. Manteuffel, J. Sainte Farę

Garnot, Tell Edfou 1938 (Fouilles franco-polonaises. Rapports II, fasc. 1, later quoted as: Tell

Edfou 1938/1), Cairo 1938, p. 46, no. 99, pl. XX, 2; Tell Edfou 1939, p. 176, no. 74,
