Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

DOI Artikel:
Twardecki, Alfred: Greek Inscriptions Acquired for the National Museum in Warsaw by Professor Kazimierz Michałowski
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Alfred Twardecki

Greek Inscriptions Acquired
for the National Museum in Warsaw
by Professor Kazimierz Michałowski1

The beginnings of the collection of Greek inscriptions in the National
Museum in Warsaw were rather modest. Until 1939 it was limited to three
objects only.2

It was only through the excavation works in Edfu executed in years
1936-1939 in cooperation with Institut Franęaise dArcheologie Orientale that
the collection was enlarged. Shortly before the war inscriptions discovered in
these excavations reached Warsaw, at first placed in the deposit of the Warsaw
University Museum. One smali inscription fragment alone (cat. no. 116; inv.
no. 148148) was brought from the Polish-French excavations. However,
following Prof. Michałowski^ efforts, this was joined by five other inscriptions
found by French archaeologists in Edfou and Kom el Akhmar, including
precious monuments of Greek epigraphy.

These include:3

1. Base of a hawk sculpture with a votive inscription of some Demetrios, erected
for his son (cat. no. 53; inv. no. 141254). Object found in Kom el Akhmar.

2. Inscription of Patoubastis, son of Apollonios (cat. no. 65; inv. no.141255).

1 Adam Łajtar and Alfred Twardecki composed a catalogue of Greek inscriptions remaining in
the collections of the National Museum in Warsaw, published finally in September 2003. In this
article, the author preceded the inventory number of each object with numbers from the
catalogue. Morę detailed data on each inscription can be found in the catalogue: A. Łajtar,
A. Twardecki, Catalogue des Inscriptions Grecąues du Musee National de Varsovie, (Journal
ofjuristic Papyrology, Supplement II), Warsaw 2003.

2 These were two inscriptions from the Pac collection transferred to the Museum in 1938 (cat.
no. 121, inv. no. 147628 and cat. no. 122, inv. no. 147567) and one inscription of Abiania
Kallistrate donated to the Museum in 1917 (cat. no. 120, inv. no. 236798).

3 Cf. Alfred Twardecki, “Inscriptions grecąues acąuises par le Musee Nationale de Varsovie lors
des fouilles franco-polonaises a Edfou”, in Tell Edfou soixante ans apres. Actes du colloąue
franco-polonais, Le Caire - 15 octobre 1996, Le Caire 1999, pp. 83-93, the article contains all
information on the history and origins of the inscriptions.
