Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

DOI article:
Aksamit, Joanna: Stone Vessels from Edfu in the National Museum in Warsaw
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The most numerous are vessels dated to the Middle Kingdom and to the
Second Intermediate Period. As in the previous epoch cylindrical ointment
jars prevail, but their shape differs markedly from that typical to the Old
Kingdom: the wide splayed foot disappears, the body is funnelled rather
than plain cylindrical; the jars are also, as a rule, much smaller (ill. 6).

2. Vessels from the

Mosfobo NOII

(Old Kingdom, 5,h Dynasty):

a. cylindrical ointment jar
(inv. no. 139667)

b. smali globular vessel
with neck (140698)

c. globular vessel

with titles of Unis (139966)

The National Museum, Warsaw
(photo Z. Doliński).

Serpentine is used commonly beside calcite. Almost as numerous as
cylindrical ointment jars are vessels of a new form, which appeared in the
Middle Kingdom and remained in use until the 18th Dynasty: kohl-pots - smali
vessels with pear shaped, partially hollowed-out bodies, fiat bases, short necks
and wide fiat rims freąuently madę separately (ills. 6, 7). Besides calcite and
serpentine, some of the kohl-pots in Warsaw are madę of anhydrite or
porphyry. Also remarkable is a serpentine kohl-pot carved in one piece with a
four-legged support (ill. 6).12 To the Middle Kingdom dates also a group of
globular jars and elongated ovoid flasks with narrow necks carved in a separate
piece of calcite (ill. 5).13 The chronological seąuence of the Middle Kingdom
vessels in Warsaw ends with three calcite flasks with bag-shaped bodies and
funnelled, ribbed necks, which can be dated to the 13th Dynasty (ill. 6).14

pl. XVI, 13; cf Ruszczyć, Egipskie naczynia..., op. cit.; eadem, “Alabaster Tables...”, op. cit., pp.

12 Inv. no. 139364, see: Tell Edfou 1938/1, p. 49, no. 127, pl. XXI, 2; Ruszczyć, Egipskie
naczynia..., op. cit. Cf. notę 58 below.

13 Inv. no. 139916, see : Tell Edfou 1939, p. 180, no. 118, pl. XVIII, 27 ; Inv. no. 149716, ibid.,
p. 181, no. 115, pl. XVIII, 34 (the neck is currently missing); Inv. no. 140700, ibid.,
p. 180, no. 113, pl. XVIII, 32.

14 Inv. nos. 139334, 139335, 139355, see: Tell Edfou 1938/1, p. 48, Nos. 121-122, pl. XX,
24-26, cf. J. Bourriau, Pharaohs and Mortals: Egyptian art in the Middle Kingdom, Cambridge
1988, pp. 144-145, no. 150.
