Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

DOI article:
Aksamit, Joanna: Stone Vessels from Edfu in the National Museum in Warsaw
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6. Vessels from
thetombT. LIII
(tóiddle Kingdom,

12"1-13"1 Dynasty):
a-b. cylindrical ointment jars
(inv. nosi 39360, 139343)

c. pink porphyry kohl-pot

d. bag-shaped fiask
with ribbed neck

e. kohl-pot

with four-legged supporf

f. vessel (139342)

The National Museum, Warsaw
(photo Z. Doliński)

Other stone vessels belonging to the eąuipment of shaft XIX are now in the
Louvre: a smali spouted bowl35 and another bowl, oval in shape.36

Mastaba II yielded an extraordinary vessel with incised inscription and
symbolic pictorial decoration: titles of King Teti around the shoulder and
aheadless vulture and winged solar disc between two cartouches of that king
on the body, as well as a lotus flower on the bottom.37 The eąuipment of that
mastaba included also one collared beaker,38 the above mentioned smali,
round-bottomed gneiss dish39 and a diorite sąuat-shouldered vessel of the
form typical rather to the Archaic Period or the early Old Kingdom (2nd -
- 4th Dynasty).40 Another example of a vessel of the form characteristic to a
period earlier than that indicated by the context of finding is the granite
sąuat jar with tubular handles coming from Mastaba V belonging to Qar,

Tell Edfou 1939, p. 176, no. 73, Pis. XVI, 12; XVII, 2; cf Ruszczyć, “Grobowiec...”, op. cit.,
p. 60, fig. 5.

35 Inv. no. E.259696, see: Tell Edfou 1939, p. 175, no. 64, pl. XVI, 2; J. Vandier cTAbbadie,
Catalogue des objets de toilette egyptiens. Musee du Louvre. Departement des antiąuites
egyptiens, Paris 1972, p. 104, no. 400; Un siecle de fouilles..., op. cit., p. 72, no. 67.

36 Inv. no. E.25968, see: Tell Edfu 1939, p. 175, no. 63, pł. XVI, 1; Vandier d'Abbadie, op. cit.,
p. 104, no. 405; Un siecle de fouilles..., op. cit., p. 72, no. 66.

37 Tell Edfou 1937, pp. 35 and 107, no. 42, Pis. XVII, 1-2 and XXII, Cairo JE 66897. Cf.
Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids, New York 1999, pp. 361-362.

,s Tell Edfou 1937, p. 107, no. 44, pl. XXII, perhaps Inv. no. 138807.

39 Cf. notę 6.

40 Tell Edfou 1937, p. 107, no. 42, pl. XXII, not in Warsaw. Aston, op. cit., p. 130 ąuotes
occurrences of vessels of this form in the 5,h and 6th Dynasties, but they, too, are most probably
earlier vessels found in later contexts. In the mortuary tempie of King Sahure (5rh Dynasty) a vessel
of identical shape belonged to a deposit containing some stone vessels of a datę as early as the lsc
Dynasty, cf. L. Borchardt, Das Grabdenkmal des Kónigs Sa-hu-Re, vol. I: DerBau, (Ausgrabungen
des Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Abusir 1902-1908, vol. VI), Leipzig 1910, p. 114.
