Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

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Aksamit, Joanna: Stone Vessels from Edfu in the National Museum in Warsaw
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characteristic splayed foot.49 On the other hand, globular jars with wide fiat
rims and globular jars or slender ovoid flasks with narrow, separately madę
necks, found also in the deposit, can be safely dated to the 12th Dynasty.
They have good parallels among the finds from tombs at El-Kubanieh-North
and Esna, dated to the 12th Dynasty or even laterd0 The same datę can be
given to the three-legged cylindrical jar with a lid (and another jar of the
same type, madę of bonę, the remains of which were also found in the
deposit).51 Noteworthy is the fact that deposit NO XXIII contained only one
kohl-pot52 and cylindrical ointment jars of the form characteristic of the
Middle Kingdom where not found there at alk The repertory of the shapes
in the deposit would indicate, then, that the whole group was collected no
later than in the early 12th Dynasty.53

A large number of stone vessels was found also in tomb T. LIII (ill. 6).54
The burials in that tomb were deposited in two superimposing chambers.
In the upper chamber two bodies were found and beside them, among others,
there were three stone vessels: two cylindrical ointment jars55 and one smali
vessel with a pear-shaped, elongated body.56 In the lower chamber beside the
skeleton was deposited a large number of complete or fragmentarily preserved
stone vessels (27 according to the excavation report), among them at least 14

p. 103: “Dyn. 1-4”. An almost identical jar was found in one of the 6th Dynasty mastabas in Balat:

A. Minault-Gout, E Deleuze, Balat II, Le mastaba dlma-Pepi (Mastaba II). Fin de l'Ancien Empire,
(Fouilles de 1'Institut franęais d'archeologie orientale du Caire XXXIII), Cairo 1992,
p. 108, Inv. no. 1814, pl. 36, see also: WM.F. Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh, London 1907, pl. VIIE, 34.

49 Inv. no. 140712, see: Tell Edfou 1939, p. 179, no. 97, pl. XVIII, 16; Inv. no. 140193, see:
Tell Edfou 1939, p. 177, no. 85, pl. XVIII, 3.

50 Globular and ovoid vessels with narrow necks see notę 13 above. Ovoid vessel Inv. no.
139916, cf. WM.F. Petrie, Tombs of the Courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos, London 1925, pl. XXX,
9, currently in the Petrie Museum, University College, London, Inv. no. 16235. Globular vessel
Inv. no. 140700, cf. H. Junker, Bericht uber die Grabungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Wien auf den Friedhófen von El-Kubanieh-Nord, Winter 1910-1911, (Denkschriften der
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Phil.-his. KI. 63, Abh. 3), Wien 1920, p. 145, pl. 23,
no. 28, madę in two pieces. Cylindrical vessel with legs: ibid. p. 145, pl. 24, no. 31, currently
in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, AS 7081: W Seipel, Gótter, Menschen, Pharaonen.
3500 fahre dgyptischer Kultur. Meisterwerke des Agyptisch-Orientalischen Sammlung des
Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien, Speyer 1993, p. 152, no. 77. Other vessels of the same
shape: D. Downes, The Excavations at Esna 1905-1906, Warminster 1974, p. 98, fig. 73, and

B. J. Kemp, R.S. Merrillees, Minoan Pottery in Second Millennium Egypt, Mainz am Rhein
1980, p. 184, fig. 52 (from the tomb 88/IV at Qubbet el-Hawa in Aswan). A very similar, but
much smaller specimen (H. 3.8 cm), found in Abydos, is currently in the Petrie Museum,
Inv. no. 16234.

51 Tell Edfou 1939, p. 322, no. 1127, pl. XLVII, 3, not in Warsaw.

52 Tell Edfou 1939, p. 178, no. 93, pl. XVIII, 11, not identified in Warsaw.

53 Cf. S.J. Seidlmayer, Graberfelder aus dem Ubergang vom Alten zum Mittleren Reich. Studien
zur Archdologie der Ersten Zwischenzeit, (Studien zur Archaologie und Geschichte Altagyptens
1), Heidelberg 1990, p. 58, and Kemp, Merrillees, op. cit., p. 217.

54 K. Michałowski, J. de Linage, J. Manteuffel, J. Sainte Farę Garnot, Tell Edfou 1938 (Fouilles
franco-polonaises. Rapports II, fasc. 2), Cairo 1939, pp. 183-184.

55 Inv. no. 139343, see: Tell Edfou 1938/1, p. 48, no. 113, pl. XX, 15; Inv. no. 139349, ibid.,
p. 48, no. 114, pl. XX, 16.

56 Inv. no. 139342, see: Tell Edfou 1938/1, p. 48, no. 119, pl. XX, 21.
