Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

DOI Artikel:
Laskowski, Piotr: A note on Thutmose III's Building Activity at Buhen
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Piotr Laskowski

A Notę on Thutmose lll's
Building Activity
ot Buhen

It is generally admitted that the Southern tempie at Buhen was erected during
the coregency period and Thutmose III added an open court in front of it at
the beginning of his sole rule. The decoration of the main building was
certainly executed during the reign of Hatshepsut, probably at the beginning
of the coregency. The precise dating is based on the analysis by Dimitri
Laboury and on the suggestion of Janusz Karkowski that Nefrure was included
and later removed from the decoration.1 Some scholars have discussed the
dating of the colonnade surrounding the main building. Laboury suggested its
construction should be dated to the sole rule of Thutmose III.2 3 This statement
is improbable for two reasons. Firstly the decoration of the outer walls of the
main building was carved in raised relief, thus it must have been roofed over.
Secondly, as pointed out by Karkowski, the architraves of the facade as well
as one of the side rows of architraves were inscribed for Hatshepsut.5
However, it should be noted that the name of Hatshepsut did not appear on
the columns. The royal cartouches are those of Thutmose III; one is of
Thutmose II, and appears to be original.4 Twice the throne name of Thutmose
III shows the form Mn-hpr-kLR\ i.e. the form that appears exclusively during
the joint reign with Hatshepsut.5 Therefore it seems the decoration of the
colonnades around the main building must have been executed during the

1 J. Karkowski, “Quelques remarąues sur les temples de Buhen”, Etudes et Travaux (later ąuoted
as£T)10, 1978, pp. 69-81, p. 73; cf. also pp. 78-81 for a discussion on a possible feminine image
of Hatshepsut at Buhen. Karkowski rejects the idea of female dress and favours Heb-Sed garment.
Laboury, however, considers these images as representing Hatshepsut as a woman: D. Laboury,
La statuaire de Thoutmosis III. Essai dinterpretation dun portrait royal dans son contexte his-
toriąue, Liege 1998, pp. 603-4, 606-7 with cat. nos 1827, 1828.

2 Laboury, op. cit., p. 36, with cat. nos 210, 536, 1503.

3 J. Karkowski, Faras V. The Pharaonic Inscriptions from Faras, Warsaw 1981, pp. 38-43.

4 Cf. R.A. Caminos, The New Kingdom Temples of Buhen, vol. I, London 1974, p. 82, pl. 97 (5:
column 50), the images of Thutmose II are also found in the inner sanctuary and on the
exterior south wali, ibid., vol. II, pis. 76, 33 (respectively).

3 Ibid., vol. I, pl. 97 (1, 4: columns 46, 49).
