Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

DOI Artikel:
Reiche, Andrzej: Polish Archaeological Research in north-eastern Syria
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6. Hand-made day vessels
from Tell Djassa
el Gharbi (1,3)
and Tell Abu Hafur (2),
datedtothe Early Jazirah
lllb period.

The National Museum,

inv. nos 238144,

238130, 238157
(pboto Z. Doliński)

campaigns were conducted there in years 1991-1995. Most of the layers on
that fortified rural settlement site (ca. 1 hectare in extent, 6 metres high)
belonged to the Early Jazirah lllb period. The only later layers were: the Early
Jazirah IV layer and remnants of an eroded layer dated to the 6thcentury B.C.23
The mid-third millennium Shaąrah was initially an open settlement which was
later (layer V) encircled by massive fortifications composed of an enclosure wali
with a glacis. The construction had a 4-meter-high stone base (locally ąuarried
basalt rock) and a mud-brick wali constructed on top of it. The glacis lining the
wali on the outside was a diagonal earth bank faced with stone. Inside the
settlement, fragments of dwelling ąuarters were uncovered, with houses
composed of several rooms and a courtyard each. They were lined along streets
which divided the settlement into ąuarters. Unfortunately, owing to the
presence of modern buildings in the central area of the tell, we were unable to
examine the inside structure of the settlement. Present time conditions allowed
solely for outlining the structure of its outer girdle. Location of most streets and
houses in one occupation level was largely repeated in the successive layers, with
minor changes only. Interior walls, floors and installations in the rooms were
freąuently carefully coated with white limę plaster. In many buildings vaulted
butresses had been preserved.24 The repertory of Early Jezirah III ceramic forms
only to some extent resembled the finds from Tell Abu Hafur and Tell Djassa

23 A. Reiche, “Iron Age Pottery from Tell Rad Shaąrah (North-East Syria)”, in Iron Age Pottery
in Northern Mesopotamia, Northern Syria and South-Eastern Anatolia. Papers Presented at the
Meetings ofthe International “table ronde” at Heidelberg (1995) and Nieborów (1997) and Other
Contributions, ed. by A. Hausleiter, A. Reiche, Munster 1999, pp. 231-259.

24 cf. notę 21.
