Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

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Grzegrzółka, Sabina: Relief ("Megarian") Bowls in the National Museum in Warsaw
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The last bowl from this group (inv. no. 237048) was a part of Józef
ChoynowskFs collection which, like the VogeH’s one, consisted of objects
gained mostly in Southern Russia. The first edition of the collection's
description prepared by the owner himself States that the dish had been
found in a grave near Parutino village (ancient Olbia), dug out by local
peasants in 1892.9 Quoting sonie gleaned information, the author mentions a
set of objects allegedly found together. These data arouse many doubts,
especially if we consider the fact, that they do not appear in the following
editions of the book and the only information on the place where the objects
where found is the title of the chapter wherein they were described.10 11 In view
of all these reservations, we can only assume that the bowl was found in Olbia.
Ali the objects from the Choynowski's collection were given to the Society for
Supporting of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych w
Warszawie). In 1923 the collection was presented to the National Museum in
Warsaw. It was described together with a group of antiąue vessels from this set
(a short description with a reference to Choynowski's catalogue) in a last of
Polish pre-war fascicles Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum.n

Some remarks should be already madę in this place. Typologically, the three
bowls (inv. nos 198563, 198565 and 198933) belong to the group of bowls
with the rim turned up inside and morę or less separated bottom, although
they somewhat differ in size and proportions. The first bowl is higher,
slimmer, with the rim visibly inclined towards the inside, while two other
bowls are smaller, morę sąuat, with rims only slightly bent up. One can also
notice similarities in ąuality and colour of clay: orange-brown, fine-grained,
well kneaded, covered with slightly sparkling glaze of a darker shade of red,
turning into brown, in some places almost black. All these data as well as
decoration modę (scalę or stripe ornament) indicate that the bowls belong to
the group once described, after Courby, as Delian.12 13 * Alfred Laumonier assumed
that the group was produced in lonian workshops.12 The form of the fourth

9 LA. Khoynovskiy, Kratkiya arkheologicheskiya svedeniya o predkakh Slavyan i Rusi i opis
drevnostey sobrannykh mnoyu, s obyasneniyami i XX tablicami risunkon, lsted., Kiev 1896,
pp. 40-42. The author, on the basis of obtained information, mentions a group of objects
allegedly found together, which seems rather unlikely. In the following editions of the above
publication there is no information on the place where the objects were found, but the author
slightly changed the modę of presentation of the materiał: J. Choynowski, Słowianie według
znalezionych w ziemi pomników ich pierwotnego bytu i z o kresu panowania nad niemi Scytów,
Sarmatów, Gotów i Litwmów, a rówriież Opis zbiorów archeologicznych dla objaśnienia sposobem
poglądowym na kollekcyach, historyi, ceramiki, emaliji, malarstwa, wydoskonalenia broni i innych
artystycznych wyrobów, lst ed., Kiev 1902, p. 64, cat, no. 224; 2nd ed., Warsaw 1904, p. 63, cat.
no. 224.

10 The list of dishes and terracotta statuettes found in the Southern Russia in the tombs of
Scythians, Sarmatians and Greek and Roman colonisers from Panticapaeum and Olbia.

11 E. Bulanda, K. Bulas, Corpus Yasorum Antiąuorum, Pologne: fasc. 3: Collections dwerses
(Varsovie, Wilanów, Poznań, Vilna etc.), Varsovie: Collection J. Choynowski, Warsaw-Cracow
1936, p. 26, pl. 2, 17.

12 R Courby, Les vases grecs a reliefs, Paris 1936, p. 377.

13 A. Laumonier, La ceramiąue bellenistiąue a reliefs, 1: Ateliers “Joniens”, (Exploration

Archeologiąue de Delos, fasc. XXXI), Paris 1977.
