Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Britton, John
Chronological history and graphic illustrations of christian architecture in England: embracing a critical inquiry into the rise, progress, and perfection of this species of architecture — London: Nattali, 1835

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NIONI and ckeerful morning are not unfrec^uentl^ tlie
karkinger8 of clouds and 8torm^ da^8:—tlie ardent
mind eonnnenee8 a new and favorite ta8k witli
eagerne88 and coniidence, but 18 often thwarted in
it8 progre88, and di8appointed at tlie eonelu8ion:
Ibis is tbe stats of man: lo-cls.^ tie puts fortb
Hrs tender leaves ok Ho/>e, to-morrow blossoms,
^n<l bears bis blusbin^ bouours tbieb upon bim:
lbs tbircl da^, eomes a frost, a billing frost."—
Lager and 2ealou8 in tlie pur8uit of d/'c/rr'^ee^tt-'K/ ^4-r^r/rH, and,
after manv ^ear8^ devotion to tlie 8tud^, iinding it continue to inerea86
it8 attraetion8 ;—being particularly occupied in illu8trating tbe feature8
and developing tbe bi8tor^ of tbe Lnoni8n 0^mnva^N8, wbieb
ina v Ke 8aid to combine all tbe 688ence, tbe varietie8, and tbe beau-
tie8 of d-c^rtcc^/'e,—baving found tbat tbe d/c^rtec^/'tr/
tbougb amu8ing and gratifying to man^ 8tudent8, wa8 not
8u6icientl^ 8eientibe and 8^8tematic for otber8;—knowing tbat tbe
8ub^ect bad excited mucb popular attention, and tbat 8ometbing like
a grammatical or 8cienti6c treati8e wa8 wanted, I wa8 impelled to
announce tbe pre8ent volume, in tbe ^ear 1818. Lrom tbe experience
ot tbat time, and tbe collection8 tben made, I neitber anticipated
dilbcult^ nor unrea8onable dela^: kut experience and co11eetion8 bave
botb progre88ivel^ increa8ed ; and in8tead of promoting and facilitating
tbe ta8k of execution, tlie one ba8 rendered tbe mind more 8crupulou8,
and tbe otber ba8 occa8ioned more labour and diibcuit^.
dbe former four volume8 were fortunately completed, not onl^
^be /»rtra/ is from a IVI8. of tbe tentb eeutur^, io 8ulisburv Oatbe^ral.