Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Chap. H

^iX ^OCOUX'I' 0^ rkix ^88^18 osLv vikkLULXi ^vnnkk8 ko vkxoik ink
V^NIOO8 8kVNL8 Ok- kCCkk8I^.81IC^k ^aoillkkcrokk,- NLVIL^V Ok
kO UlklN ONIOIX, 1X01.001X6 NliILk ^X^.I.V8I8 Ok kOk kNIXOIk^I.
^V0NX8 OX OHL 808^001.

U^vixo taben a. 8bort vie^v of tbe progre88 and induence of Obri8tianit^ in tbe
IZriti8b I8le8, and 8bown it8 gradual a8 vrell a8 all-povrerful eifect8 on tbe eu8torn8
and 8uper8tition8 of tbe community, I next proceed to inve8tigate and exemplify
tlie opinion8 and tbeorie8 of tbo86 autbor8 ivbo bave eitber publi8bed 86parate and
complete vrorlr8 on tbe 8ub^ect of (7/zkrH or bave promulgated
tbeir 86ntiment8 in 688a^8 or mi8eellaneou8 paper8.
^8 a generic term to impl^ tbe arebitecture of tlie middle age8, r. e. tlie variou8
8pecie8 or 8tzde8 tliat vrere. invented and adopted ior eccle8ia8tical edibce8, after
tlie 68tal)1i8liment of Obri8tianit^, I appreliend tliat O/r?v'^i<r-r vrill be
not onl^ unobjectionable, but vrill de appropriate, preci86, and correct. I'lie
Llg^ptian, Orecian, Homan, Oliine8e, Norc8c^ue, and Italian 8t^Ie8 or order8 of
arcliitecture are well bnoivn and under8tood b^ tbeir re8pective term8; but tlie
man^ and variou8 8t^1e8 or ela8868 of arcliitectural de8ign, 8uece88ivel^ invented
and adopted b^ tlie Obri8tian8, in building8 appropriated to tbeir peculiar rite8
and cu8tom8, bave been variou8l^, capriciou8l^, and unmeaningly denoted b^
86veral term8. It i8 time tliat a correct and appropriate nomenclature be adopted;
and after mature deliberation, and a long inve8tigation of tbe 8ub^ect, I am in-
duced to U8e tlie term novr propo8ed; and 8ball 8ubdivide Obri8tian Arebitecture
into bve 8pecie8 or 8t^le8, all of vrbicb vrill be readily contradi8tingui8bed from