Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the spiritual, Mistress of the Hnii^-bark (of Socharis)
she who bore Isis”.
(8) Honoured under Duamutef... Pa Ra'messu,
(Neb Weben,) Right of speech (Then on Sarco-
phagus) [Words spoken by] Qebhsennuf (sic!)
Osiris Commander of the Bowmen [Pa Ra'messu
&c.]: “I am Qebhsennuf . . .”
(9) Words spoken: “Honoured under Anubis-
before-his-Shrine” Osiris &c., (Continuing on Sarco-
phagus only) Words spoken by Anubis-before-his-
Shrine: “-.” The end of the spell is muti-
lated and appears to be corrupt.
(10) Words spoken: “Honoured under Qebhsen-
nuf Osiris, &c.” (continuing on Sarcophagus only)
Words spoken by Qebhsennuf: “Osiris, &c. I
conduct the cool water to Osiris.”
(11) Words spoken: “Honoured under Thoth,
Osiris &c. ...” (on Sarcophagus) Words spoken
by Thoth-within-the-Sarcophagus: “Osiris Royal
Son (Ra'messu-mer-Amen) (Neb Weben) Right
of Speech.”
(12) Words spoken: “Honoured under Imseti
Osiris &c.” (on Sarcophagus) Words spoken by
Mestha: “I am in thy body,” the (lit', ‘my’) limbs
of this Osiris flourish.
Above Sacred eye: “Osiris, the Vizier, Pa-Ra'messu,
(Neb Weben,) within the Uzat.”
(13) Words spoken: “Honoured under Anubis-
in-the Osiris, Lord of the Necropolis, Osiris &c.
(on Sarco.) Words spoken by Anubis-in-the-Oasis
“O Osiris &c., I have given to the thy burial in
its place.”
(14) Words spoken: “Honoured under Hapi
Osiris, &c.” (on Sarcophagus) [Words spoken by
Hapi:] “I am the limbs of Osiris.”
(15) Words spoken: “Honoured under Kherti,
Osiris &c.” (on Sarcophagus) “Re Liveth, the Tor-
toise dieth; healthy is he who is in the Sarco-
phagus of this Osiris! Right of Speech, Right of
Speech!” Kherti in this position also occurs in the
Sarcophagus of Ta-kha' at the Cairo Museum; he
is the god of the necropolis, cf. Aeg. Zeits. 47,
p. 51. The formula of Re' and the Tortoise is found
on nearly all the known sarcophagi of this age
(cf. Budge, The Egyptian Heaven and Hell,
II, p. 51).
A curious feature of this text is that, in the
hieroglyph of the tortoise, it is shown viewed from
he side instead of from above, as in other coffins.

37. At the head of the sarcophagus is the god-
dess Nephthys with arms raised, standing on a nub
sign, without any inscription.
At the foot of the cover is the goddess Isis,
standing with raised arms. The inscription reads.
Words spoken by Isis. Osiris Hereditary Prince
Pa Ra'messu, (Neb Weben.) Royal Son Ra'messu-
mer-Amen, (Neb Weben.) At the foot of the sarco-
phagus is a ^ed-sign with two arms passed through
the loops of two sa-signs. The inscription on both
sides reads: Osiris, Commander of the Bowmen,
Pa Ra'messu, (Neb Weben.)

Dimensions of the Sarcophagus.

88-3 inches.
Length over the runners.
104-3 „
Width across runners, head ....
36-6 „
Width across runners, foot ....
30-0 „
Greatest width .
35’8 „
Width at foot.
22-0 „
Height ofSarcophagus without runners
19-7 „
Height of Sarcophagus with runners
26-8 „
Overall height with cover.
48*0 „
Total internal length.
76’8 „
Greatest internal width ofSarcophagus
24-0 „
Greatest internal depth of Sarcophagus
21-2 „
38. We believe that this prince cannot be the

4 th or any son of Ramesses II for the following

reasons: — _
While admitting thatSa nesut(Ra'messu-mer-Amen)
can mean “Royal Son of Ra'messu,” in this case
it cannot be so, as no name follows the cartouche
although this phrase occurs seven times, so that
it cannot be a chance mistake. We should, there-
fore, read it Royal Son, (Ra'messu-mer-Amen)I, and
recognise in it a prince, entitled to use the car-
touche, which happens to be identical with the
personal-name cartouche of Ramesses II. Further,
each cartouche, and in consequence each name on
the sarcophagus, has been altered to render it dif-
ferent from that of Ramesses II by the addition of
the phrase Neb Weben. Who then would object to a
cartouche exactly similar to his own but Ramessu II?
If Ramesses objected to anyone having his cartouche
(or in any case), he would not have permitted one
of his sons to take it.
Since Pa-Ra'messu was not the son of Ramesses II,
his actual identity must be determined. We cannot