Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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XXXI. The Chapter of beating back the Crocodile
that cometh to carry away the Charm from
the Deceased in the underworld (Nu, plate 9).

XXXIII. The Chapter of repulsing Serpents (Nu, plate 9).

XXXIV. The Chapter of not letting the Deceased be
bitten by Snakes in the underworld (Nu,
plate 9).

XXXV. The Chapter of not letting the Deceased be
devoured by Snakes in the underworld
(Nu, plate 9).


LI. The Chapter of not Marching to be Over-
thrown in the underworld (Nu, plate 16).

LII. The Chapter of not eating Filth in the underworlcl
(Nu, plate 22).

L111. The Chapter of not eating Filth in the underworld
(Nu, plate 22).

LIV. The Chapter of giving Air to the Deceased
in the underworld (Nu, plate 23).

LV. The Chapter of giving Air in the underworld
(Nu, plate 24).

XXXVI. The Chapter of driving away Apshait (Nu,
plate 16).

LVI. The Chapter of Snuffing the Air among the
Waters in the underworld (Nu, plate 23).

XXXVII. The Chapter of driving back the two Merti
Gocldesses (Nu, plate 16).

XXXVIII. The Chapter of living by Air in the underworld
(Nu, plate 23).

XL. The Chapter of driving back the Eater of the
Ass (Nu, plate 14).

XLI. The Chapter of driving away the Slaughters
which are performed in the underworld (Nu,
plate 1 o).

XLII. The Chapter of driving back the Slaughters
which are performed in Suten-henen (Nu,
plate 10).

XLIII. The Chapter of not letting the Head of a Man
be cut off from him in the underworkl (Nu,
plate 8).

XLIV. The Chapter of not Dying a Seconcl Time in
the underworlcl (Nu, plate 40).

XLV. The Chapter of not suffering Corruption in the
underworld (Nu, plate 9).

LVII. The Chapter of Snuffing the Air, and of having
the Mastery over the Water in the under-
world (Nu, plate 23).

LXI. The Chapter of not letting the Soul of a Man
be taken from him in the underworld (Nu,
plate 23).

LXIIIa. The Ch'apter of Drinking Water ancl of not
being Burnt by Fire in the underworld (Nu,
plate 12).

LXIIIb. The Chapter of not being Scalded with Water
(Nu, plate 25).

LXIV. The Chapter of Coming Forth by Day in the
underworld. With Rubric mentioning Hesep-bi
(Nu, plate 25).

LXIV. The Chapter of knowing the “ Chapters of
Coming Forth by Day” in a single Chapter
(Nu, plates 43 and 44)

LXV. The Chapter of Coming Forth by Day ancl
of gaining the Mastery over Enemies (Nu,
plate 29).

XLVI. The Chapter of not Perishing and of coming
Alive in the unclerworld (Nu, plate 24).

XLVII. The Chapter of not allowing' the Seat and
the Throne of the Deceased to be taken
away from him in the underworld (Nu,
plate 16).

La. The Chapter of not entering in unto the Block
(Nu, plate 40).

Lb. The Chapter of not allowing the Deceasecl to
be taken to the Block in the underworld (Nu,
plate 23).

LXVII. The Chapter of Opening the underworld (Nu,
plate 29).

LXVIII. The Chapter of Coming Forth by Day (Nu,
plate 11).

LXXI. The Chapter of Coming Forth by Day (Nu,
plate 13).

LXXII. The Chapter of Coming forth by Day, and of
Opening up a Way through Ammehet (Nu,
plate 13).

The Chapter of lifting up the Feet and of coming
forth upon the Earth (Nu, plate 9).
