Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Magna) on the day of the offerings of (35)
mankind to the mighty gods who are therein.

What then is this ? “ Millions of years ” is

the (36) name of the one [nest], “ Great Green ”
is the name of the other ; a pool of natron, and
a pool of (37) nitre, or (as others say), “ Guide
“ of millions of years ’ is the name of the one,
“ Great Green ” is the name of the other, (38) or (as
others say), “ Begetter of millions of years ” is the
name of the one, “ Great Green ” is the name of
the other.

What then (39) is this ? It is Re-stau ;
that is to sa)9 it is the Tuat (i.e., the underworld),
on the south of An-rut-f, and the northern door
of the (40) tomb of Osiris.

Now as concerning the Lake of Maat, it
is Abtu (Abydos).

What then is this ? It is Sekhct- (41)
Aanre, which produceth the divine tchefazi food
of the two Horus-gods who are behind their shrine.

Now as concerning (42) the Gate of
Tchesert, it is the Gate of the pillars of Shu,
that is to say it is the Gate of the Western
(43) Tuat, or (as others say), It is the two
leaves of the door through which the gocl Temu
passeth when he goeth forth from the eastern
horizon of heaven.

“ O ye who are in the presence [of Osiris],
“ grant me your arms, for I am the god who
“ shall come into being among (45) you.”

What then is this ? It is the clrops of blood
which fell from the god (46) Ra when he set out
to perform his own slaughter, and they rose up
and came into being in the forms of the (47)
gods who are in the presence of Ra, namely,
LIu and Sa, who are in the following of the god
(48) Temu daily and every day, or (as others
say), Osiris, the royal scribe, the overseer of the
cattle, Hunefer, triumphant, hath filled the (49)
Eye of the sun after it hath been pierced on the
day of the combat of the two Fighters (i.e.,
H orus ancl Set).

What then is this ? (50) It is the day on
which Horus fought with Suti who cast (51)
filth in the face of Horus, and when Horus took
possession of the powers of Suti. Now (52)
these things did Thoth cause him to do with
his own hands.

“I lift up the hair cloud from the Eye of
“ the sun at the season (53) of whirlwind ancl
“ storm.”

What then is this ? It is the right eye of
Ra when lt stormeth (54) at him after it hath


been pierced. Now Thoth raiseth up the hair
[cloud] which is upon it, and he bringeth (55)
lt1 alive, and whole, and sound, and without any
blenush whatsoever, or (as others say), 11 is lus
eye when it is sick and when it (56) weepeth for lts
fellow eye ; then Thoth standeth up to cleanse it.

“ I beholcl Ra who was born (57) yesterday
“ from the buttocks of the cow Meht-urt ; his
“ strength is my strength, and my strength is his
“ strength.”

What then is this ? (58) It is the water of
heaven, or (as others say), It is the image of the
Eye of Ra in the morning (59) at lus daily birth.
Now Meht -urt is the Eye of Ra (60). There-
fore, I am the mighty one among these gods who
are in the following of Horus. [These] words
are for (61) him that loveth his lord.

What then is this ? [These gods are :—]
Mestha, Hapi, Tuamautef (62) and Oebhsennuf.

“ H omage to you, O ye lords of right and
“ truth, and ye divine sovereign princes who are
“ bchind Osiris (63), who cause iniquity and sin to
“ be cut off, and ye who are in the following of
“ Hetep-se-khutnes, (64) grant that I may come
“ unto you. Do away the faultswhich cleave unto
“ (65) me even as ye clid for the eight divine
“ Souls who are m the following (66) of the lord
“ Sepi. Anubis appointed their place on the day
“ [when was said], ‘ Come therefore thither ’ ” (67).

What then is this ? 'These lords of right and
truth are Thoth and Astes (68), the lord of
Amentet. Now, the m*eat divine sovereio-n chiefs
who [stand] behind Osiris are Mestha, Hapi,
Tuamautef (69) and Oebhsennuf . . . and it is
they who are behind the [constellation of the]
Thigh in the northern sky. Now the divine ones
(70) who do away (?) the defects of those who are
in the following of the goddess Hetep-se-khus are
the Sebak (gods) who dwell in the waters (71).
Now the goddess Hetep-se-khus is the right eye
of Ra, or (as others say), It is the flame which
hath its being (72) in the following of Osiris to
burn up and destroy the souls of his enemies.

1 Here, in the middle of the Chapter, the artist introduces
pictures of Hunefer and his wife in the attitude before described ;
Hunefer is called “ Osiris, the royal scribe, of the divine offerings
of Men-Maat-Ra (i.e., Seti I.).” Above the figures are eight short
lines of text which read :—(i) “ Homage to you, O ye lords of
“ Amentet, and ye company of the gods who dwell in the under-
“ world ! (2) May they grant a going in and a coming forth without
“ repulse (3) at the doors of the lords of the Tuat ; ancl the receiving
“ of cakes (4) and a coming forth before them at (5) the altar of the
“ lords of eternity to the ka (i.e., double) of Osiris, (6) the royal
“ scribe, Hunefer, triumphant. May bread be given (7) in the house
“ of bread, and cool drink in the house (8) of cool drink to Osiris,
“ the overseer of the cattle, Hunefer, triumphant.”

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