Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Anhai, triumphant in the underworld.” 2. Anubis,
couchant, holding the kherp sceptre, and Anhai
presenting a sistrum and a flower to Mestha.
3- Osiris, seated, with the flail and sceptre in his
hands, and the atef crown upon his heacl. Behind
him stancls Isis, and before him Osiris Anhai,
with hands raisecl in adoration. The text is the
same as before. 4. Anubis, couchant, holding the
kherp sceptre, ancl Anhai standing in adoration
before the god Hapi ; her right hand is raised, and
m the left she holds a flower [No. 24,712].

3. Wooclen box, with two divisions, each
of which has a cover inscribed with the name
of Anhai. The inside is distempered white,
but the outside is coverecl with a thin layer
of plaster, whereon in bright colours are painted
the following figures :—i. H orus, the son of Isis,
wearing the crowns of the South and North,
seatecl upon a throne ; in his right hand is the
emblem of life, and in his left a sceptre. Behincl
him stands the goddess Mer-seker, g, having

the emblem ot the “ West ” | upon her heacl ; ancl
before him stands Anhai at a table of offerino-s.


2. The gods Mestha and Oebhsennuf. 3. The
god Heru-khuti-Tem hawk-headed, and

wearing a disk encircled by a serpent, seatecl
upon a throne; in his right hand is a sceptre, and
in his left is the emblem of life. Behind him
stands the goddess “ Maat, the daughter of Ra,
who dwelleth in the front [of the boat], the lady oi
heaven, the mistress of the worlcl,”

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, and before him stands Anhai at
a table of offerings [No. 24,711].

4. Four painted wooclen iishabtin figures
inscribed with the name and titles of the deceasecl,
and with a version ol the VI th Chapter of the
Book of the Deacl [Height 7] in. Nos.
24,734, 24,735, 24,736, 24,737]. In each case
the name and titles of the deceasecl read :—

and the

version of the Chapter is as follows :—


Ji 3-h

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5. Five painted, baked earthenware ushabtin
figures [Height in. Nos. 24,729, 24,730,

24,7s1, 24,732, 24,733], with inscriptions similar
to those above.

6. Two painted, baked earthenware tishabiiu
figures [Height 7 in. Nos. 24,716, 24,717],
inscribed with the name and titles of Anhai.


Vignette: (a) The Lady Anhai ] %{ rn ^ ]]
f a member of the College of the god Amen-
Ra, at Thebes, stancling with hancls raised in
adoration before a table of offerings of haunches
of beef, loaves of bread and cakes, vases of
wine ancl oil, fruits, ancl lotus and other flowers.
She wears a wig surmounted by a cone, neck-
lace, bracelets, etc., and she is clraped in a
semi-transparent linen garment; in her left hand
she holds a sistrum and flowers, and from her
arm droops a vine branch.



heaven. Beholcl, Osiris, the singer of Amen,
Anhai, who saith :—

“ Homage to thee, O Ra, great gocl, lorcl of
“ Ta-tchesert, (2) heir of eternity, prince of ever-
“ lastingness, king of the Tuat (i.e., underworld),
“ sovereign of Akert, prince who dwellest in
“ Annu, and in Nif-urt, Heru-shef, lord of the two
“ lancls, mighty one ol mysteries with (3) Annu of
“ the south, perfect Soul, who dwellest in Abtu,
“ whose limbs the two divine sisters unite together,
“ divine Bull, the lifter of the hand in the city of
“ Senti, Amsu in Apt, whose (4) Soul is in thy
“ sister, and whose splendour is upon earth ancl
“ in the mighty ancl uppermost regions of the
“ underworld.”

Ancl behold, Osiris, the singer of Amen,
Anhai, saith :—

“ I have enterecl in that I may praise [thee],
“ and that I may hear the words which are
“ spoken among the thirty clivine ones. May
“ [the god] deal rightly with me ; may he make
“ perfect [my] two hands with joy; may I go
“ in ancl be raised up; may I come forth ancl
“ germinate. May I rejoice at the words which
“ shall be spoken unto me with right ancl
“ truth, unto me, the favoured one of the lords
“ of triumph. May my body be borne unto the
“ province of Thebes ; may it rest therein under
“ the protection [of the god] thereof; may I
“ eat (?) with the gocls of the Tuat (i.e., under-
“ world) ; may I behold the god Ptah m his
“ shrine ; may I join myself unto the clivine