Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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and Sa, and by three others, who represent the
doors through which the god Temu has made his
way into the world. In the watery space above

the disk is the figure of a god bent in a circle
with his toes touching his head, and upon his

head stands the godcless Nut with outstretched
hands receiving the disk of the sun. In the space
enclosed by the body of the god is the legend,
“ This is Osiris ; his circuit is the Tuat.”

Text : (1) “ Hail, thou god whose forms

“ are hiclden, (2) who illuminest the two lands
“ with the radiance of the flame of thy mouth,
“ deliver thou the Osiris Anhai, triumphant,
“ (3) from the two hands of him that would
“ assail her in the underworld. Let thy disk
“ circle round about over her, and cause her to
“ rise up, ancl let the god (4) Shu from all his
“ body give the breath of warmth [unto her].
“ (5) Hail, thou disk, who art in thine (6) egg,
“ and who shinest (7) in the eastern part of the sky,
“ when there is war (8) upon the earth, and when
“ [the fiends] work on the night of the (9) battle,
“ grant thou that the Osiris Anhai, the singer of
“ Amen, may enter in unto thee in Annu, and that
“justice may be done (?) unto (10) the children
“ of nupotent revolt in the house of Seb and of
“ Osiris ”.
