Achaeans, 41-2, 123, 197-201,
Achilles. See Shield
Adriatic, 33-5, 125, 157
/Egean, term, 42
£geaa tribes and Egypt, 3, 93-6,
123-4, I(5i, 202, 204
Agamemnon, 160-1, 205
Aladdin's jars, 3
Alkinoos, 206-9, 217-9
Allen, T. W., 210, 214, 218
Anthropometry, 164-7, 170-1
Arch, 30, 105
Argolid, connections with Crete,
42, 103, 149-50, 161-2, 178-83,
201, and Doric, 205
Assarlik, 102, 143
Astronomy, Babylonian, 127, 133,
139 ; Berlin, 67-70, 221-6
-azi, termination in, 123
Babylonia, drainage in, 9, 30, 139 ;
influence of, 133-^, 139, 140
Bacchylides, 162
Basements, 56-7, 169
Basilica, 10, 85
Bath rooms, 59, 81, 104, 106
Beards, 182
Beddoe, 145, 165
Bissing, F. W. von, 68, 74-7, 142
Bosanquet, R. C, 5, 7, 25, 136,
151-2, 181
Boxing, 6, 34-5, 172-4, 208
Boyd, H. A., 26, 43
Breasted, A. H., 68, 72-3, 223
Bricks, use of, 7-8, 27
Bronze vessels, 18, 90
Budge, 94-5
Bull in Cult, 31, 37, II3, 127-8
Bullring, 21-2, 138-30
Bull trapping, 33-4, 88, 136-7,
Burial interments, 29, 100-2, 189,
Cadmus, 141-2
Candia, Museum of, 19, 22
Caria, 42, 102, 140-3, 197, 201, 203
Central Court : Knossos, 4, 78, 81 ;
Phastos, 28, 78, 81
Central Europe, Neolithic Age, 47,
149, 184-96
Central Hearth, 161, 178, 181.
Chieftain Vase, 38-9, 174, 177
Chronology. See Egyptian, and
Early, Middle, and Late Minoan
Classical art in Crete, 103-6
Clay tablets, 4, 15-6, 18, 149-50,
Clusium: Boxers, 35, 125 ; Laby-
rinth, 109, 124-6, 131
Coinage, 15-7,94, 118-9
Colour of race, 141, 146, 165
Conical cap, 182
Continuity of Minoan art, 4.8, 81-3
Conventionalism, 54, 60-1, 86-7,
Conway, R. S., 117-21, 151-8,198,
Cook, A. B., 126
Copes, 36-7, 113, 207
Corcyra, 13, 208
Corinth, 119, 198
Cremation, 100-2, 189, 209-13
Cross, 115, 158
Cuirasses, 37, 207
Cupbearer. See Frescoes
Cyclades, 42, 50, 167
I Cyprus, 102, 113, 115, 150
Achaeans, 41-2, 123, 197-201,
Achilles. See Shield
Adriatic, 33-5, 125, 157
/Egean, term, 42
£geaa tribes and Egypt, 3, 93-6,
123-4, I(5i, 202, 204
Agamemnon, 160-1, 205
Aladdin's jars, 3
Alkinoos, 206-9, 217-9
Allen, T. W., 210, 214, 218
Anthropometry, 164-7, 170-1
Arch, 30, 105
Argolid, connections with Crete,
42, 103, 149-50, 161-2, 178-83,
201, and Doric, 205
Assarlik, 102, 143
Astronomy, Babylonian, 127, 133,
139 ; Berlin, 67-70, 221-6
-azi, termination in, 123
Babylonia, drainage in, 9, 30, 139 ;
influence of, 133-^, 139, 140
Bacchylides, 162
Basements, 56-7, 169
Basilica, 10, 85
Bath rooms, 59, 81, 104, 106
Beards, 182
Beddoe, 145, 165
Bissing, F. W. von, 68, 74-7, 142
Bosanquet, R. C, 5, 7, 25, 136,
151-2, 181
Boxing, 6, 34-5, 172-4, 208
Boyd, H. A., 26, 43
Breasted, A. H., 68, 72-3, 223
Bricks, use of, 7-8, 27
Bronze vessels, 18, 90
Budge, 94-5
Bull in Cult, 31, 37, II3, 127-8
Bullring, 21-2, 138-30
Bull trapping, 33-4, 88, 136-7,
Burial interments, 29, 100-2, 189,
Cadmus, 141-2
Candia, Museum of, 19, 22
Caria, 42, 102, 140-3, 197, 201, 203
Central Court : Knossos, 4, 78, 81 ;
Phastos, 28, 78, 81
Central Europe, Neolithic Age, 47,
149, 184-96
Central Hearth, 161, 178, 181.
Chieftain Vase, 38-9, 174, 177
Chronology. See Egyptian, and
Early, Middle, and Late Minoan
Classical art in Crete, 103-6
Clay tablets, 4, 15-6, 18, 149-50,
Clusium: Boxers, 35, 125 ; Laby-
rinth, 109, 124-6, 131
Coinage, 15-7,94, 118-9
Colour of race, 141, 146, 165
Conical cap, 182
Continuity of Minoan art, 4.8, 81-3
Conventionalism, 54, 60-1, 86-7,
Conway, R. S., 117-21, 151-8,198,
Cook, A. B., 126
Copes, 36-7, 113, 207
Corcyra, 13, 208
Corinth, 119, 198
Cremation, 100-2, 189, 209-13
Cross, 115, 158
Cuirasses, 37, 207
Cupbearer. See Frescoes
Cyclades, 42, 50, 167
I Cyprus, 102, 113, 115, 150