
Camera Work: A Photographic Quarterly — 1910 (Heft 32)

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Editors, Our Illustrations
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OUR illustrations in this number comprise five photogravures by Craig
Annan from his own photographic negatives ; a photogravure repro-
duction of a photograph by Clarence H. White; reproductions of
two drawings by Henri Matisse and of an etching by Gordon Craig. Mr.
Annan’s photogravures were made by himself from negatives expressly de-
signed for reproduction in this form of printing. The possibilities, both
artistic and practical, that were latent in this supple and exquisite process
were recognized by him as far back as the early ’qo’s, when Alfred Stieglitz
was also independently engaged in its trying out. The experiments of both,
however, had been anticipated a few years by Dr. P. H. Emerson when he
induced Goupil & Co. in Paris to interpret some of his negatives for him
in photogravure.
The question may occur to some of our readers as to why drawings
and etchings should be reproduced in Camera Work. The answer is
a very simple one. To begin with, circumstances have gradually converted
this magazine into the active and representative organ of the Photo-Seces-
sion ; and the Secession has, for several seasons alternated the photographic
exhibitions at its Little Galleries with exhibitions of drawings, etchings,
water-colors and oils. And the reason for this is also very simple, since it is
but the carrying out of one of its own principles, namely: that photography,
claiming to be a legitimate medium of personal pictorial expression, should
take its place in open review with other mediums in order that its possibili-
ties and limitations might be the more fairly judged. This policy, so far
from indicating any lapse in loyalty or diminution of interest toward photog-
raphy, on the part of either the Secession or of Camera Work, is but the
practical test of their greater faith.
The three reproductions of non-photographic pictures in this number
form a prelude to a forthcoming number in which there will be an impor-
tant contribution of drawings by Auguste Rodin, reproduced in facsimile,
but in a slightly reduced size.—The Editors.
