Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Talos identified with Zeus 729

in Crete1.' And that this gloss is trustworthy appears from
more than one Cretan inscription. The inhabitants of Dreros in
eastern Crete swore by a series of deities including Zeus Tallaios
and Helios to oppose the inhabitants of Lyttos2. At Olous too,
a town close to Dreros, there was a sanctuary of Zeus Tallaios,
where a decree inviting Knossos to arbitrate between Lato and
Olous was set up3, as was also a decree in honour of a certain
physician from the island of Kasos, who had helped the Olontians
in time of plague4. Coins of Olous, struck in the latter part of

Fig- 537-

the fourth century B.C., have as their obverse type a head of
Britomartis with fillet, bay-wreath, necklace and quiver, and as
their reverse Zeus enthroned with an eagle on his right hand,
a sceptre in his left (fig. S37Y- Perhaps the same deity was
worshipped on Mount Ide; for a versified inscription, found near
Retimo at the foot of the mountain, records a dedication to

1 Hesych. TaXatos • 6 Zei»s ev KprjTT].

2 Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr.- no. 463, 14 ff. 6/j.pvw j rav 'Eariap rav \ e/j. irpvTaveLu: \
/cat top Arjpa top \ 'Ayopaiop /cat top A77W top TaWaiop | /cat top 'A7reXXwp(a) | top
Ae\(pipLOP Kal I Tap 'Adapaiap tclp \ IIo\loi>xop /cat top \ 'A7re\Xawa Tofx HoLtiop \ Kal Tap
AaTovp Kal tclp | "ApTe/xLP Kal top "Apea | /cat tclp 'Acpop(d)LTap Kal \ top 'Ep^a^ /cat top
"AXlop I /cat tclp ~BpiTo/Aap(Ti)p | /cat to/a QoipLKa Kal Tap | 'A/j.(pi[ib]pap Kal Tay Tap \ /cat
top Ovpapbp Kal \ ijpcoas Kal Tjpudacras | /cat Kpdvas Kal iroTa'/llovs Kal deovs iraPTas {» /cat
irdcras k.t.X. = Michel Recneil iVInscr. gr. no. 23 A 14ff. = Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-
Inschr. iii. 2. 239 ff. no. 4952 A 14 ff. The inscription was found in 1854 011 a
called XQpes near the church of St Antonios. It appears to date from a period shortly
before 220 B.C. (L. Biirchner in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1699).

3 Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr.2 no. 514, 14 kv 8i 'OXoptl iv tc<j iapco tu> Zrjpbs tu>
TaXXatco = Michel Recueil cTInscr. gr. no. 28, 14. The inscription, which belongs to the
second half of the second century B.C., was found at Delos (T. Homolle in the Bull.
Corr. Hell. 1879 iii. 290 ff. pi. 6 bis).

4 J. Demargne in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1900 xxiv. 227 no. 1 C 57 ff. dpaypdxpac 8e
r65e j to -ipd<pLafxa is to \ iepop tov ?Zr]pbs {sic) | tov TaWalov /ca[t] | e$ to tov 'AaK\a\Triov.
The inscription was found in 1898 on the site of a Byzantine church at Olous, and this
portion of it dates perhaps from s. ii B.C.

3 J. N. Svoronos Numismatique de la Crete ancienne Macon 1890 i. 249 pi. 22, 23
(cp. ib. 250 pi. 22, 27), Brit. Mns. Cat. Coins Crete etc. p. 60 pi. [4, 12, Hunter Cat.
Coins ii. 192, Head Hist, num.2 p. 472.