Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 2,2): Zeus god of the dark sky (thunder and lightning): Appendixes and index — Cambridge, 1925

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Zeus Asklepios


le plus profond' and in the Ath. Mitth. 1899 xxiv. 385, 392 described as 'Zweig
(oder Baum ?),' ' wahrscheinlich...ein Palmenzweig,' while M. Frankel in the
Inscr. Gr. Pelop. i. 188 calls it 'Ramus olivae s. quercus.' C. Blinkenberg in
the Ath. Mitth. 1899 xxiv. 385 n. 2 read the name of the dedicator as TTAIAIOL"
i.e. UottXios A'lXios and put a comma between 'Ao-kXtjtticoi and Ait. M. Frankel
in his note on the Inscr. Gr. Pelop. i no. 1086 thinks Blinkenberg's reading
possible, but demurs to his punctuation. The inventory-symbols, which appear
to have been added to the inscriptions c. 306 a.d. {Inscr. Gr. Pelop. i. 186),
suffice to prove that at Epidauros Asklepios was then known as Zeus ^ Ao-kX^ttCos
Stur^p and Zeus as Asklepios Zevs TeXeios. A. Boeckh in the Corp. inscr. Gr. i
no. 1198 = M. Frankel in the Inscr. Gr. Pelop. i no. 692 = W. Prellwitz in Collitz—
Bechtel Gr. Dial.-Inschr. iii. 1. 185 no. 3396 Hermione Eevonpos HoXvuXeos \
Adfiarpi Xdovlai, Au 'A(<tk)Xa7riwi, where K. O. Miiller Die Dorier^ Breslau 1844
i. 403 n. 3 corrected M. Fourmont's reading A11APTI AATTini to A11AZKAA-
TTIfll. P. Kabbadias Pouilles d' Epidaure i. 58 and W. Prellwitz loc. cit. assume
a series of three deities ; but A. Boeckh loc. cit. and M. Frankel loc. cit. treat
A11 'A<TKX<nricbi as one god.

(2) Zeus Asklepios in Literature.

Their view is supported by E. Thraemer loc. cit., who adds : ' Besonders
haufig findet sich Zeus A. bei Aristeides, nicht etwa ein bios rhetorischer
Ausdruck fur die Hoheit des Gottes, sondern Anlehnung an einen ganz be-
stimmten Kult der Stadt Pergamos. Dieser hat mit dem schon in hellenistischer
Zeit bluhenden vorstadtischen Asklepieion freilich nichts zu thun, ist vielmehr
eine Neuschdpfung des 2. Jhdts. v. Chr., seine Statte die grosste Ruine der
Unterstadt, die friiher Basilika genannte, jetzt in Berlin fiir Thermen gehaltene
Anlage iiber dem Selinos. Dass wir es hier mit dem Tempel und aXaos des
Zeus A. zu thun haben, werde ich demnachst an anderem Orte nachweisen.'
See further K. Pilling Pergamenische Kulte Naumburg a. S. 1903 p. 23 ff. (cited
by Gruppe Myth. Lit. 1908 p. 271) and Gruppe Gr. Myth. Pel. pp. 295, 1094
n. 19, 1456 n. 4. Cp. Aristeid. or. 6. 37 (i. 64 f. Dindorf) kcu Alos 'AaicXrjTriiiv
ijeui/ ovtc aXXcos 01 rrjde iSpvcravro. dXX' e'lrrep epol aacprjs 6 8i8dana\os, slkos 8e
Travros pdXXov, iv ora> 8e tclvt' e'SZ8a£e rponbo nai ottois iv tols iepols Xoyois e'lprjTcu,
ovtos ead' 6 to ttciv aycuv <ai vepcov <ra>Ti)p tcov 6Xa>v kcu cpvXa^ ra>v ddavuraiv, et <5e
deXets TpayiKWTepov eiTrelv, i'cpopos olaKcoi', crco^cov tu re ovra del nai Ta yiyvop€va.
6i S' 'A7roXXa)i^os' Tralda Kai rplrov drro Aids vopl£op.ev avrov, avdis av nai avvaTTToptv
to'ls ovopaaiVj eVet roi nal avrov rdv Aia yevecrdac Xeyovai nore, TrdXiv 8e avrdv
aTro(paLvov(riv ovra tcov ovtgov narepa nai TroirjTTjv, or. 23. 283 (i. 45^ FJmdorf) 6 8e
o-Tecpavos rjv en tov lepov roi Alos 'Ao-kX^ttlov (for the wreath of Asklepios
C. Blinkenberg in the Nordisk Tidsskrift for Filologi Tredie Rgekke 1894—
1895 n'- 176 f. and in the Ath. Mitth. 1899 xxiv. 391 cites, not only the Epi-
daurian symbol, but also a red-figured krater from Boiotia, now at Athens
(Collignon—Couve Cat. Vases d'Athenes p. 626 f. no. 1926), published by O. Kern
in the 'E<£. 'Apx- 1890 p. 131 ff. pi. 7 = Reinach Rep. Vases i. 515, if., which
shows {a) Asklepios on a couch feeding a huge snake from a Boeotian cup in
his right hand and holding an egg in his left hand, the wall hung with four
garlands, (b) Hygieia seated, grasping a sceptre with her left hand and ex-
tending her right towards a girl, who carries a basket of fruits and cakes and
an oinochoe, the wall hung with three garlands and votive limbs, and a Messenian
copper of Roman date {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Peloponnesus p. 112 pi. 22, 16,
Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner Num. Comm. Pans. ii. 66 pi. P, 1 f.), on which