Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Appendix L

Asklepios appears with a large wreath by his side), or. 23. 290 (i. 464 Dindorf)
tcai apa \ap($dva> riva €7riaTo\rjv npb rrodwv Keipevr/v tov Aios 'ActkA^ttiou, or. 26.
332 (i. 516 Dindorf) perd Se ravra /3ov'hop£Vois rjjj.lv Koivfj nepl tov dvadrjparos
avvedoKei kol tb lepel koX rots vea>Kopois dvadelvat iv Aids 'AvkXtjitiov, ravTrjs yap
ovk elvai \u>pav KaXXt'a) ■ /cat ovrco 81) rov ovelparos r) (prjprj €^ej3rj. nai eariv 6
Tptnovs vtto rrj Se£ia rov 8(ov, eiKovas xPvcro^s e^cov rpels, plav Ka#' enaarov tov
7roSa, 'Ao-K.\r)7riov, rrjv 8e 'Yyiei'a?, ttjv Se Te\eo~(p6pov. k.r.X.

(3) Zeus Asklepios in Art.

In art the type of Asklepios was not uninfluenced by that of Zeus. Furt-
wangler Masterpieces of Gk. Sculpt, p. 186 ff. regards a whole series of standing
Asklepios-statues as copies of a Myronian original representing Zeus (Strab.
637 notes a Zeus by Myron formerly grouped with an Athena and a Herakles
by the same sculptor at Samos, but later erected by Augustus in an aedicula on
the Capitol at Rome): ' The restful conception that marks the older type of
Zeus exactly suited the mild character of Asklepios.' Overbeck Gr. Plastik^
i. 379 holds that 'das Ideal des Asklepios wesentlich als eine geistreiche Um-
bildung des von Phidias ausgepragten Zeusideales erscheint, eine Umbildung,
die unter Beibehaltung der meisten charakteristischen Formen doch vermoge
ihrer Herabsetzung auf ein reiner Menschliches die Hoheit des Weltregierers
durch die herzliche Milde und Klugheit des hilfreichen Heilgottes zu ersetzen
weiss': accordingly he traces the canonical bearded type of Asklepios to the
cult-statue of the god by Pheidias' pupil Alkamenes at Mantineia (Paus. 8. 9. 1).
E. Reisch in the Eranos Vindobonensis Wien 1893 p. 2if. assumes that this
statue showed the god standing as on imperial coppers of Mantineia {Brit.
Mus. Cat. Coins Peloponnesus p. 187 pi. 35, 9, Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner
Num. Comm. Pans. ii. 93 pi. S, 15, Rasche Lex. Num. v. 183 f.), and that the
same figure appearing with inverted sides on Athenian silver ((i) MENEA
ETTirENO Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Attica etc. pp. xliv, 63 pi. 11, 6, Imhoof-
Blumer and P. Gardner Num. Comm. Paus. iii. 150 pi. EE, 2, E. Beule Les
monnaies d'Athenes Paris 1858 p. 331 ff., Head Hist, num.2 p. 383 accepting
J. Sundwall's date, 177 B.C.; (ii) AIOKAH2 AECONIAHI E. Beule op. cit.
p. 401, Head op. cit.2 p. 386 dating c. 86 B.C. to time of Augustus) and copper
coins {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Attica etc. p. 109 pi. 19, 4, Imhoof-Blumer and
P. Gardner Num. Comm. Paus. iii. 150 pi. EE, 3 f., E. Beule Les monnaies
d'At/ienes Paris 1858 p. 331) attests the existence in the Asklepieion at Athens
of a similar statue by Alkamenes or one of his pupils. But, after all, the coins
adduced by Reisch exhibit common poses of Asklepios (the coppers of Man-
tineia show scliema iii of E. Thraemer's classification in Roscher Lex. Myth.
i. 636; the silver and copper coins of Athens, schema i id. i. 634 f.), and it is far
from certain that they were intended to portray cult-statues, let alone works by
Alkamenes. We are on firmer ground in observing that Kolotes, who helped
Pheidias with his Zeus at Olympia (Plin. nat. hist. 34. 87, 35. 54), made a
wonderful ivory statue of Asklepios for Kyllene (Strab. 337). If this, like Zeus
at Olympia, was a seated figure, Kolotes paved the way for Thrasymedes of
Paros, whose chryselephantine Asklepios at Epidauros (bibliography in Svoronos
Ath. Nationalmus. p. 148 n. 1) was half the size of the Zeus 'OXvpttlos at Athens
(Paus. 2. 27. 2) and was, by a natural blunder, attributed to Pheidias himself
(Athenag. supplicatio pro Christianis 17 p. 19, 15 f. Schwartz). Thrasymedes'
cult-statue was decidedly Zeus-like in appearance—witness the silver {Brit.
Mus. Cat. Coi?is Peloponnesus p. 156 pi. 29, 14, Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner