Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Zeus Asklepios


Num. Comm. Pans. i. 43 pi. l, 3, W. Wroth in the Num. Chron. Third Series
1892 xii. 14 f. pi. 1, 17, J. N. Svoronos in the Journ. Intern. d'Arch. Num. 1901
iv. 11 fig. 6 enlarged =id. Ath. Nationalmus. p. 150 fig. 104, Head Hist, num.2
p. 441) and copper coins of Epidauros (Brit Mus. Cat. Coins Peloponnesus
p. 159 pi. 29, 22 f., cp. id. p. 158 pi. 29, 19, Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner Num.
Comm. Paics. i. 43 pi. l, 4 f., J. N. Svoronos in the Journ. Intern. d'Arch. Num.
1901 iv. 10 f. figs. 3—5 enlarged=id. Ath. Nationalmus. p. 150 f. figs. 105—107,
Head Hist, num.2 p. 442), and an imperial copper of Kleonai (Imhoof-Blumer
Monn. gr. p. 133, id. and P. Gardner Num. Comm. Pans. i. 32, Head Hist,
num.? p. 441). The god is seated to the left with his left foot advanced, holding
a long sceptre high up in his left hand and extending his right hand over the
head of a coiled snake. Beneath his seat (silver coins) or behind it (coppers)
lies a dog (see H. Gaidoz 'A propos des chiens d'Epidaure' in the Rev. Arch.
1884 ii. 218—222, O. Keller Die antike Tierwelt Leipzig 1909 i. 141, F. Orth in
Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 2576 f.). The seat itself is sometimes a high-
backed throne (silver and copper coins), sometimes a mere stool (silver coins).
Other Zeus-like types of Asklepios seated occur on coppers of Argos—perhaps
after the group by Xenophilos and Straton (Paus. 2. 23. 4), which followed the
main lines of Thrasymedes' work (Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner Num. Comm.
Paus. i. 40 f. pi. k, 47, Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Peloponnesus p. 151 no. 166),

Fig. 920. Fig. 921. Fig. 922. Fig. 923.

Rhegion (Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Italy p. 381 f, Garrucci Mon. It. ant. p. 165
pi. 115, 12 f., Head Hist, num.2 p. 111. The shape of the seat varies from throne
to high-backed chair), the Magnetes in Thessaly— an adaptation of Thrasymedes'
statue (Imhoof-Blumer Choix de monn. gr} pi. 1, 26, id. Monn. gr. p. 133 no. 2a,
Head Hist, num.2 p. 300), Trikke (T. Panofka 'Asklepios und die Asklepiaden'
in the Abh. d. berl. Akad. 1845 Phil.-hist. Classe p. 353 pi. 1, 13, Brit. Mus. Cat.
Coins Thessaly etc. p. 52 pi. n, 13, Head Hist, num.2 p. 311 'Asklepios seated,
feeding serpent with bird, or resting on crooked staff' ! Fig. 922, from a well-
preserved specimen of mine, shows the god to have a sceptre and the bird to
be a goose (cp. Loukian. Alex. 13 f. cited infra)), Ainos (Ant. Miinz. Nord-
Griechenlands ii. 1. 1. 199 pi. 5, 28), Anchialos (ib. ii. 1. 1. 272 pi. 8, 2), Bizye
(Rasche Lex. Num. i. 154, 1548, Suppl. i. 295), Serdike (ib. viii. 673, Suppl. i.
295), Mytilene (Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Troas, etc. p. 201 pi. 40, 3 = supra p. 260
fig. 172, p. 206 pi. 41, 4), Pergamon—perhaps after the statue of Phyromachos
(Polyb. 32. 27. 4, Diod. 31 frag. 46 Bekker (ii. 2. 128 Dindorf), Souid. s.v.
Upovalas bis: diverse possibilities are mooted by P. Smith Diet. Biogr. Myth.
iii. 608, W. Wroth in the Num. Chron. Third Series 1882 ii. 14 ffi, W. Amelung
' Der Asklepios des Phyromachos zu Pergamon' in the Rom. Mitth. 1903 xviii.
1 ff., H. von Fritze in Nomisma 1908 ii. 19 f. Rasche Lex. Num. i. 154, Mionnet
Descr. de nied. ant. ii. 604 no. 595, Suppl. v. 443 no. 1018, T. Panofka 'Asklepios
und die Asklepiaden' in the Abh. d. berl. Akad. 1843 Phil.-hist. Classe p. 352 f.